Table of Contents
General Battery Information
1. Introduction
2. Description
3. Contents
4. Charging Your Battery
5. Other Information About Charging Your Battery
6. Charging Your Battery with a Solar Panel
7. Capacity/Specifications
8. Powering From the DC Output Port
9. Pass-Through Technology
10. Parallel Connection of Batteries (Parallel Connection)
11. Operating the White Light/Emergency Amber Flashing Light
12. Battery Management System (BMS)
13. Airline Travel
14. Battery Storage
15. Safe Use of Lithium Batteries
16. FAQs
CPAP User Information
17. Powering Your PAP Machine from the DC Output Port
18. PAP Machine DC Power Cords
19. Powering Your PAP Machine from the AC Output Port (Using a Pure
Sine Inverter)
20. PAP Machine Runtimes
21. Notes
Warranty Information
22. Limited Warranty
23. Register Your EXP PRO Product