By turning the individual legs (E) to the right or left, level the balance
so that the bubble of the spirit level (H) - on the balance housing
under the pan - is ideally in the center of the circle:
Then place the pan on the scale.
For light weight:
Make sure that nothing is placed on the small pan (B).
Turn on the device with the ON / OFF button (G) located on the back
of the housing (F), then press the numeric buttons [1], [3], [1], [1] on
the keyboard and, while the scale is self-checking, press the button
[ENTER] - WEIGHT will show "SCALE1", UNIT WEIGHT "CAL-0" and
TOTAL "A / D value".
Press the [UNIT] button to select the weight unit for calibration - kg or
Press the [ENTER] key to set the point of no load (the display of UNIT
WEIGHT will show and flash for a few seconds, then change to "XXXX"
to set the weight of the weight to be calibrated)
Press the [CE] button and use the numeric buttons to set the weight
of the weight to be calibrated, e.g. if it is 1 kg, set it with the [1] key.
Place the weight on the large pan - its weight will be shown on the
UNIT WEIGHT display, i.e. first it will flash "XX" and then it will change
to the displayed weight according to the pattern "XX.XXX kg". After
that, the calibration will be completed and the scale must be restarted.
After restarting, check the correctness of weighing on the weight used
for calibration - if the indicated weight is correct, the calibration was
successful. Otherwise, the scale must be re-calibrated.
For large weight:
Make sure that nothing is placed on the large pan (A).
Turn on the device with the ON / OFF button (G) located on the back
of the housing (F), then press the numeric buttons [1], [3], [1], [2] on
the keypad and, while the scale is self-checking, press the button
[ENTER] - WEIGHT will show "SCALE2", UNIT WEIGHT "CAL-0" and
TOTAL "A / D value".
Press the [UNIT] button to select the weight unit for calibration - kg or