If the level control is coupled with a time switch, the dosing of Kalkwasser can be restricted to the
night time. It is also possible to run the reactor only with a time switch. To do this, you have to
check firstly how much water evaporates per day and how long the pump in the reservoir needs to
replace it. To avoid flooding, you should calculate a safety reserve and replace only two third of
evaporated water with Kalkwasser. This time is adjusted at the time switch. It is also possible to
dose in several intervals to avoid a pH increase. It is ideal to add Kalkwasser during the night when
the pH value in the aquarium drops.
3. Parts of the Kalkwasserstirrer
Fig. 1: Kalkwasserrührer KS 5000
Available spare parts: Please refer to www.aqua-medic.de.
4. Set up and starting connections
The Aqua Medic Kalkwasserstirrer has 2 connections for flexible hoses, 6/4 mm (¼") and ½"). The
first connection, the water inlet (7), has to be connected with the feed pump. The water inlet is
connected inside of the reactor to a tube that directs the water right down to the bottom of the
The second connection is the water outlet to the aquarium (9). The end of the outlet tube should
not be submerged because in this case it might clog and the flow stops. In any case, the outlet
hose must be lower than the outlet of the KS 5000 (without pressure)!!!
Filling the reactor:
Before refilling the reactor, remove plug from the reactor and the refill pump from the mains. Open
the bayonet (turn left). Take care not to lose the O-ring. Undissolved residues of the
Kalkwasserpowder should be removed. Clean the reactor.
1. Top with motor
2. O-ring with bajonet
3. Stirrer shaft
4. Reaction vessel
5. Stirrer
6. Washer
7. Water inlet
8. Bearing for stirrer
9. Water outlet
10. O-ring water outlet
11. Hose connection
water outlet
12. Nut
13. Nut for hose