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Varian 969-9370 Manual De Instrucciones

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Turbo-V 150HT
Model 969-9369
Model 969-9370
Model 969-9371
Model 969-9372
APRIL 2002



Resumen de contenidos para Varian 969-9370

  • Página 5 ISTRUZIONI PER LíUSO ....................1 GEBRAUCHSANLEITUNG ....................3 MODE DíEMPLOI ........................ 5 INSTRUCCIONES DE USO ....................7 INSTRU«’ES PARA O USO....................9 GEBRUIKSAANWIJZINGEN..................... 11 BRUGSANVISNING ......................13 BRUKSANVISNING ......................15 BRUKERVEILEDNING ...................... 17 KƒYTT÷OHJEET ......................19 PDHGIES CRHSEWS ......................21 INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE....................
  • Página 6 Se il tempo di immagazzinamento Ë molto lungo, avviare la Le pompe turbomolecolari della serie Turbo-V150HT devono pompa nel modo SOFT START (vedere il manuale del control- essere utilizzate solo con uno degli appositi controllori Varian ler). (serie 969-9405, 969-9505, 969-9423, 969-9523) e devono es- sere collegate ad una pompa primaria (vedere schema in "Te-...
  • Página 7 In caso di guasto Ë possibile usufruire del servizio di riparazio- fissata alla camera da vuoto per mezzo dell'apposita minuteria ne Varian o del "Varian advanced exchange service", che per- meccanica Varian. Per ulteriori dettagli vedere l'appendice "Te- mette di ottenere una pompa rigenerata in sostituzione di chnical Information".
  • Página 8 Die Turbomolekularpumpen der Serie Turbo-V150HTd¸rfen nur − Relative Luftfeuchtigkeit: 0 - 95% mit einer der Varian-Spezialsteuerungen (Serie 969-9405, 969- Nach extrem langer Lagerung mufl die Pumpe bei Inbetrieb- 9505, 969-9423, 969-9523) benutzt werden und m¸ssen an setzung im SOFT START-Modus gestartet werden (siehe Han- eine Prim‰rpumpe angeschlossen werden (siehe Schema in...
  • Página 9 ANMERKUNG mer angeschlossen werden. Weitere Hinweise: siehe Anhang "Technical Information". Vor dem Versand einer defekten Pumpe an die Fa. Varian mufl Wenn die Pumpen ¸ber ihr Unterteil installiert werden sollen, das Formular "Sicherheit und Gesundheit", das diesem Hand- m¸ssen in die Bohrungen des Unterteils 3 M6-Schrauben ein- buch beiliegt, ausgef¸llt an Varian geschickt und best‰tigt wer-...
  • Página 10 Il est conseillÈ ‡ l'utilisateur de lire attentivement cette notice d'instructions ainsi que toute autre indication sup- plÈmentaire fournie par Varian, avant d'utiliser l'appareil. Varian dÈcline par consÈquent toute responsabilitÈ en cas d'inobser- vation totale ou partielle des instructions donnÈes, d'utilisation incorrecte de la part d'un personnel non formÈ, d'opÈrations...
  • Página 11 Avant de renvoyer au constructeur une pompe pour des rÈpa- Information". rations ou un "advanced exchange service", remplir et faire parvenir au bureau local Varian la fiche "SÈcuritÈ et SantÈ" an- UTILISATION nexÈe ‡ la prÈsente notice d'instructions. Une copie de cette fiche devra Ítre mise dans l'emballage de la pompe avant l'ex-...
  • Página 12 Varian antes de utilizar el equipo. Varian se considera libre de cualquier responsabilidad debida al incumplimiento total o parcial de las instrucciones, al uso poco...
  • Página 13 En caso de averÌa se podr· utilizar el servicio de reparaciÛn m·s detalles vÈase el apÈndice ìTechnical Informationî. Varian o el "Varian advanced exchange service", que permite Para fijar la bomba mediante su base, es necesario utilizar tres obtener una bomba regenerada para sustituir la averiada.
  • Página 14 Varian antes de usar a aparelhagem. A Varian n„o se responsabiliza pela eventual inobserv‚ncia total ou parcial das instruÁıes, pelo uso indevido por parte de pessoas n„o treinadas, por operaÁıes n„o autorizadas ou pelo uso contr·rio ‡s normas...
  • Página 15 Em caso de defeito È possÌvel usufruir do serviÁo de reparaÁ„o ‡ c‚mara de v·cuo atravÈs de parafusos especÌficos da Varian ou do "Varian advanced exchange service", que permite mec‚nica Varian. Para maiores detalhes, ver o apÍndice obter uma bomba regenerada que substitua a bomba com "Technical Information".
  • Página 16 Varian verstrekte informatie door te lezen alvorens het apparaat in gebruik te nemen. Varian acht zich niet aansprakelijk voor de gevolgen van het niet of gedeeltelijk in acht nemen van de aanwijzingen, onoordeelkundig gebruik...
  • Página 17 In geval van storing is het mogelijk om de reparatiedienst van De turbompomp met ConFlat inlaatflens moet aan de Varian of de "Varian advanced exchange service" in te vacu¸mpomp worden bevestigd met behulp van de speciale schakelen: zo krijgt men een ruilpomp ter vervanging van de mechanische bevestigingselementen van Varian.
  • Página 18 Brugeren bedes lÊse denne hÂndbog samt enhver yderligere vejledning, Varian har leveret, inden udstyret tages i brug. Varian er ikke ansvarlig, hvis vejledningen ikke er n¯je fulgt, eller hvis den kun er delvist fulgt, og heller ikke hvis udstyret anvendes forkert af ukvalificeret personale, hvis der foretages uautoriserede indgreb pÂ...
  • Página 19 Service", hvorved man kan f en repareret pumpe i bytte for vakuumkammeret ved hjÊlp af de specielle fastg¯relsesdele den, der er gÂet i stykker. fra Varian. For detaljer henvises til ìTeknisk informationî. For at fastspÊnde pumpen til fundamentet er det n¯dvendigt at BEM7RK anvende tre M6-skruer, som indsÊttes i hullerne pÂ...
  • Página 20 Anv‰ndaren bˆr l‰sa denna bruksanvisning, samt ˆvrig dokumentation frÂn Varian fˆre anv‰ndning av utrustningen. Varian tar inget ansvar fˆr skador helt eller delvis till fˆljd av Âsidos‰ttande av instruktionerna, ol‰mplig anv‰ndning av person utan tillr‰cklig kunskap, obehˆrigt bruk av utrustningen eller hantering som strider mot g‰llande lokala fˆreskrifter.
  • Página 21 M10 Om pumpen havererar, kontakta Varian reparationsverkstad Enkel klammer 11 Nm eller Varian utbytesservice, som kan ers‰tta pumpen med en g‰nga M8 renoverad pump. Turbopumparna med intagsfl‰ns ConFlat ska f‰stas till vakuumkammaren med hj‰lp av Varian f‰stdelar. Fˆr detaljer OBSERVERA h‰nvisas till bilaga ìTechnical Informationî.
  • Página 22 Dette utstyret er beregnet til bruk av profesjonelle brukere. Brukeren b¯r lese denne brukerveiledningen og all annen informasjon fra Varian f¯r utstyret tas i bruk. Varian kan ikke holdes ansvarlig for hendelser som skjer p grunn av manglende oppf¯lging av disse instruksjonene, selv delvis, feilaktig bruk av utrent personell, ikke autoriserte endringer av utstyret eller handlinger som pÂ...
  • Página 23 Turbopumpen med innl¯psflens ConFlat skal festes p pumpen. vakuumkammeret ved hjelp av de spesielle lÂsedelene fra Varian. For detaljer henvises det til ìTeknisk informasjonî. MERK For  feste pumpen til fundamentet er det n¯dvendig  bruke tre M6-skruer, som skrues fast i hullene p pumpens F¯r pumpen returneres til produsenten for reparasjon, eller...
  • Página 24 YLEISIƒ TIETOJA T‰m‰ laite on tarkoitettu ammattimaiseen k‰yttˆˆn. Ennen laitteen k‰yttˆˆnottoa tulee k‰ytt‰j‰n lukea huolellisesti mukana seuraava k‰yttˆohje sek‰ kaikki muu Varianin toimittama lis‰tieto. Varian ei ota vastuuta seurauksista, jotka johtuvat laitteen k‰yttˆohjeiden t‰ydest‰ tai osittaisesta laiminlyˆnnist‰, ammattitaidottoman henkilˆn virheellisest‰ laitteen k‰ytˆst‰,...
  • Página 25 22 Nm pys‰htymist‰ ja ett‰ pumpun pintal‰mpˆ on alle 50e. kierteitys M10 Yksinkertainen 11 Nm kierteitys M8 Laitteen vahingoittuessa on mahdollista k‰ytt‰‰ Varianin korjauspalvelua tai "Varian advanced exchange service", joka mahdollistaa regeneroidun pumpun saamisen vahingoittuneen Torbopumppu ConFlat sia‰‰ntilolaipalla tulee kiinnitt‰‰...
  • Página 26 £llh pr“sqeth plhrofor∂a pou d∂nei h Varian, prin ap“ th crhsimopo∂hsh thj suskeuˇj. H Varian den f◊rei kamm∂a euq⁄nh “son afor£ thn olikˇ ˇ merikˇ aq◊thsh twn odhgiËn, thn akat£llhlh crˇsh ek m◊rouj anekpa∂deutou proswpiko⁄, auqa∂retej epemb£seij ˇ crˇsh pou den sumfwne∂...
  • Página 27 Se per∂ptwsh bl£bhj mpore∂te na apeuqunqe∂te sto service thj el∂kwsh M10 Varian ˇ sto ìVarian advanced exchange serviceî, pou saj d∂nei th dunat“thta na antikatastˇsete thn calasm◊nh antl∂a me m∂a H tourmpoantl∂a me fl£ntza eis“dou ConFlat pr◊pei na sterewqe∂...
  • Página 28 Varian before operating the equipment. Varian will not be held responsible for any events occurring due to non-compliance, even partial, with these instructions, im- proper use by untrained persons, non-authorised interference with the equipment or any action contrary to that provided for by specific national standards.
  • Página 29 The turbopump with ConFlat inlet flange must be fixed to the vacuum chamber by means of the appropriate Varian hard- In the case of breakdown, contact your local Varian service ware. See the appendix "Technical Information" for a detailed center who can supply a reconditioned pump to replace that description.
  • Página 30 The static blades of the stator are made of − Model 969-9370 with ISO 63 external diameter stainless steel. These are supported and accu- high vacuum flange rately positioned by spacer rings.
  • Página 31 Weight kg (lbs) CFF: 5.6 (12.3) Start-up time < 90 seconds ISO: 3.6 (7.9) Recommended Mechanical: Varian SD 40 forepump Diaphragm: MD12 * According to standard DIN 28 428, the base pressure is that measured in a leak-free test dome, Operating ambient...
  • Página 32 TECHNICAL INFORMATION Pump fed by standard controller Pump fed by controller model 969-9436, 969-9536 Graph of nitrogen pumping speed vs inlet pressure Pump fed by controller model 969-9436, 969-9536 Pump fed by standard controller Graph of compression ratio vs foreline pressure Graph of nitrogen throughput vs inlet pressure using the recommended mechanical forevacuum pump 87-900-891-01(C)
  • Página 33 TECHNICAL INFORMATION The following figures show the overall flange di- INLET SCREEN INSTALLATION mensions with the protection screen fitted on pump with ISO flange and pump with CFF flange. The inlet screens mod. 969-9300 and 969-9302 prevent the blades of the pump from being dam- aged by debris greater than 2 mm diameter.
  • Página 34 TECHNICAL INFORMATION The metallic model is assembled as shown in the WATER COOLING INSTALLATION figure. Two types of water cooling kits are available to be mounted when the pump is used under heavy load conditions or when air cooling is insufficient. The two model part numbers are: 969-9337 (metal- lic model), and 969-9347 (plastic model).
  • Página 35 TECHNICAL INFORMATION AIR COOLING KIT INSTALLATION A fan kit model 969-9314 is available for air cooling the pump. GAS PURGE VALVE INSTALLATION A gas purge valve is available to protect the pump Fan specification: bearings against particulate and corrosive gases that could move into the pump.
  • Página 36 TECHNICAL INFORMATION and then screw the gas purge valve (with a torque Screw the vent valve into the pump without using of 2.5 Nm) as shown in the following figure. the supplied adapter. Tighten the valve using a 16 mm. hexagonal span- ner with a torque of 2.5 Nm.
  • Página 37 TECHNICAL INFORMATION VENT DEVICE INSTALLATION VIBRATION ISOLATOR INSTALLATION Two vibration isolators for ISO and CFF inlet flange version pumps are available as accessories. The two model part numbers are the following: − model 969-9332 for CFF 6î flange; − model 969-9342 for ISO 100 flange. They typically reduce the vibration transmitted from the Turbo-V 150HT pump to the system by a factor of 20.
  • Página 38 TECHNICAL INFORMATION For ConFlat flange connections we recommend Connection A - HIGH VACUUM FLANGE using Varian hardware. To connect the Turbo pump to the ISO inlet flange, To facilitate assembly and dismantling, apply Fel- remove the outer ring and position the centering pro C-100 high temperature lubricant to the screw ring as shown in the figure.
  • Página 39 If a rigid pipe is l/s) for a mild purge process, or 15 psig (1 bar l/s) used, any vibration generated by the mechanical for an heavy process. Please contact Varian for pump must be eliminated through the use of bel- specific applications.
  • Página 40 Varian's specialist. For a complete overview of Varian's extensive As a matter of fact, in case of high magnetic fields, product lines, please refer to the Varian catalog. also important forces might be generated and ap- plied to the rotor.
  • Página 41 NOTE: If a product is received at Varian which is contaminated with a toxic or hazardous material that was not disclosed, the customer will be held responsible for all costs incurred to ensure the safe handling of the product, and is liable for any harm or injury to Varian employees as well as to any third party occurring as a result of exposure to toxic or hazardous materials present in the product.
  • Página 42 Request for Return FAILURE REPORT TURBO PUMPS and TURBOCONTROLLERS POSITION PARAMETERS Power: Rotational Speed: Does not start Noise Vertical Current: Inlet Pressure: Does not spin freely Vibrations Horizontal Temp 1: Foreline Pressure: Does not reach full speed Leak Upside-down Mechanical Contact Overtemperature Other: Temp 2:...
  • Página 43 Tel: (39) 011 997 9111 Tel: (39) 011 997 9111 Fax: (39) 011 997 9350 Brazil Fax: (39) 011 997 9350 Varian Industria e Comercio Ltda. Japan Avenida Dr. Cardoso de Mello 1644 Internet Users: Varian Vacuum Technologies Vila Olimpia Customer Service &...

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