
Enlaces rápidos

969-9037 series
969-9038 series
969-9039 series
969-9040 series
APRIL 2002


Tabla de contenido

Resumen de contenidos para Varian Turbo-V300HT

  • Página 2 Turbo-V 300HT...
  • Página 3: Tabla De Contenido

    ISTRUZIONI PER L’USO ....................1 GEBRAUCHSANLEITUNG ....................3 MODE D’EMPLOI ........................ 5 INSTRUCCIONES DE USO ....................7 INSTRUÇÕES PARA O USO....................9 GEBRUIKSAANWIJZINGEN..................... 11 BRUGSANVISNING ......................13 BRUKSANVISNING ......................15 BRUKERVEILEDNING ...................... 17 KÄYTTÖOHJEET ......................19 PDHGIES CRHSEWS ......................21 INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE....................
  • Página 4: Informazioni Generali

    Le pompe della serie Turbo-V300HT sono pompe turbomoleco- lari per applicazioni di alto e ultra alto vuoto, capaci di pompare qualsiasi tipo di gas o di composto gassoso. Non sono adatte per il pompaggio di liquidi o di particelle solide.
  • Página 5 In caso di guasto è possibile usufruire del servizio di riparazio- fissata alla camera da vuoto per mezzo dell'apposita minuteria ne Varian o del "Varian advanced exchange service", che per- meccanica Varian. Per ulteriori dettagli vedere l'appendice "Te- mette di ottenere una pompa rigenerata in sostituzione di chnical Information".
  • Página 6: Vor Der Installation

    Eingriffen Mißachtung einheimischen, hier zur Geltung kommenden Bestimmungen übernimmt die Firma Varian keinerlei Haftung. Bei den Pumpen der Serie Turbo-V300HT handelt es sich um Turbomolekularpumpen für Hoch- Ultrahochvakuumanwendungen. Sie eignen sich für jede Art von Gas oder gashaltige Gemische, nicht jedoch zur Förderung von Flüssigstoffen oder Festpartikel.
  • Página 7 NM10-Gewinde am Pumpenghehäuse unter 50°C abgesunken ist. Turbopumpen mit ConFlat-Eingangsflansch müssen mit dem Bei einem Defekt kann der Varian Service oder der " advanced speziellen Varian-Befestigungsmaterial an die Vakuumkammer exchange service" in Anspruch genommen werden. angeschlossen werden. Weitere Hinweise siehe Anhang “Technical Information”.
  • Página 8: Indications Generales

    Les pompes de la série Turbo-V300HT.sont des pompes turbomoléculaires conçues pour des applications de vide poussé et ultrapoussé, capables de pomper n'importe quel type de gaz ou de composé...
  • Página 9 à vide à l’aide de colliers doubles ou simples. Le tableau suivant indique le nombre de colliers nécessaires et le ENTRETIEN couple de serrage prescrit. Les pompes de la série Turbo-V300HT ne requièrent aucun BRIDE TYPE DE NBRE COUPLE DE entretien particulier.
  • Página 10: Informacion General

    Varian antes de utilizar el equipo. Varian se considera libre de cualquier responsabilidad debida al incumplimiento total o parcial de las instrucciones, al uso poco...
  • Página 11: Utilizacion

    MANTENIMIENTO BRIDA TIPO DE MORDAZA PAR DE Las bombas de la serie Turbo-V300HT no necesitan ningún APRIETE tipo de mantenimiento. Cualquier operación tendrá que ser ISO 100 Mordaza doble 22 Nm realizada por personal autorizado.
  • Página 12: Informações Gerais

    Varian antes de usar a aparelhagem. A Varian não se responsabiliza pela eventual inobservância total ou parcial das instruções, pelo uso indevido por parte de pessoas não treinadas, por operações não autorizadas ou pelo uso contrário às normas...
  • Página 13 Não usar a bomba na presença de gases explosivos. tabela a seguir descreve o número de bornes necessários e com qual torque devem ser apertados. MANUTENÇÃO As bombas da série Turbo-V300HT não requerem qualquer FLANGE TIPO DE BORNE N° TORQUE manutenção.
  • Página 14: Installatie

    Varian verstrekte informatie door te lezen alvorens het apparaat in gebruik te nemen. Varian acht zich niet aansprakelijk voor de gevolgen van het niet of gedeeltelijk in acht nemen van de aanwijzingen, onoordeelkundig gebruik...
  • Página 15 FLENS KLEMTYPE AANHAALKOPPEL ISO 100 Dubbele klem 22 Nm met M10 ONDERHOUD schroefdraad De pompen van de serie Turbo-V300HT zijn onderhoudsvrij. Enkelvoudige 11 Nm Eventuele werkzaamheden moeten door bevoegd personeel klem met M8 worden uitgevoerd. schroefdraad ISO 160 Dubbele klem...
  • Página 16: Almene Oplysninger

    Brugeren bedes læse denne håndbog samt enhver yderligere vejledning, Varian har leveret, inden udstyret tages i brug. Varian er ikke ansvarlig, hvis vejledningen ikke er nøje fulgt, eller hvis den kun er delvist fulgt, og heller ikke hvis udstyret anvendes forkert af ukvalificeret personale, hvis der foretages uautoriserede indgreb på...
  • Página 17 VEDLIGEHOLDELSE FLANGE KLEMMETYPE ANTAL TILSPÆNDING- Pumperne af TURBO-V300HT typen behøver ikke nogen SMOMENT vedligeholdelse. Ethvert indgreb på pumpen skal foretages af ISO 100 Dobbelt klemme, 22 Nm autoriseret personale. gevind M10 Enkelt klemme,...
  • Página 18: Förberedelser För Installationen

    Användaren bör läsa denna bruksanvisning, samt övrig dokumentation från Varian före användning av utrustningen. Varian tar inget ansvar för skador helt eller delvis till följd av åsidosättande av instruktionerna, olämplig användning av person utan tillräcklig kunskap, obehörigt bruk av utrustningen eller hantering som strider mot gällande lokala föreskrifter.
  • Página 19 öppnas. Vänta sedan tills rotorn stannat samt tills pumpens yttemperatur är lägre än 50ºC. Om pumpen havererar, kontakta Varian reparationsverkstad eller Varian utbytesservice, som kan ersätta pumpen med en renoverad pump. OBSERVERA Innan pumpen lämnas in till tillverkaren för reparation eller...
  • Página 20: Brukerveiledning

    Dette utstyret er beregnet til bruk av profesjonelle brukere. Brukeren bør lese denne brukerveiledningen og all annen informasjon fra Varian før utstyret tas i bruk. Varian kan ikke holdes ansvarlig for hendelser som skjer på grunn av manglende oppfølging av disse instruksjonene, selv delvis, feilaktig bruk av utrent personell, ikke autoriserte endringer av utstyret eller handlinger som på...
  • Página 21 ANTALL STRAMME- MOMENT VEDLIKEHOLD ISO 100 Dobbel klemme 22 Nm gjenge M10 Turbo-V300HT serien pumper er vedlikeholdsfrie. Alt arbeid på Enkel klemme 11 Nm pumpen må kun utføres av autorisert personell. gjenge M8 ISO 160 Dobbel klemme 22 Nm ! ! ! !
  • Página 22: Yleisiä Tietoja

    YLEISIÄ TIETOJA Tämä laite on tarkoitettu ammattimaiseen käyttöön. Ennen laitteen käyttöönottoa tulee käyttäjän lukea huolellisesti mukana seuraava käyttöohje sekä kaikki muu Varianin toimittama lisätieto. Varian ei ota vastuuta seurauksista, jotka johtuvat laitteen käyttöohjeiden täydestä tai osittaisesta laiminlyönnistä, ammattitaidottoman henkilön virheellisestä laitteen käytöstä,...
  • Página 23 Älkää käytä pumppua räjähdysherkkien kaasujen lähellä. kiinnikkeillä. Seuraava taulukko kuvaa kaikki laippakoot ja kiinnikemallit, kiinnikkeiden tarpeellisen määrän kiristysmomentti. HUOLTO Sarjan Turbo-V300HT pumput eivät vaadi lainkaan huoltoa. LAIPPA KIINNIKE MÄÄRA KIRISTYSMO- Minkä tahansa toimenpiteen täytyy suorittaa siihen valtuutettu ENTTI henkilö. ISO 100...
  • Página 24: Pdhgies Crhsews

    £llh prÒsqeth plhrofor∂a pou d∂nei h Varian, prin apÒ th crhsimopo∂hsh thj suskeuÿj. H Varian den f◊rei kamm∂a euqÚnh Òson afor£ thn olikÿ ÿ merikÿ aq◊thsh twn odhgièn, thn akat£llhlh crÿsh ek m◊rouj anekpa∂deutou proswpikoÚ, auqa∂retej epemb£seij ÿ crÿsh pou den sumfwne∂...
  • Página 25 Se per∂ptwsh bl£bhj mpore∂te na apeuqunqe∂te sto service thj ISO 100 22 Nm Diplÿ m◊ggenh el∂kwsh M10 Varian ÿ sto “Varian advanced exchange service”, pou saj d∂nei th Monÿ m◊ggenh 11 Nm dunatÒthta na antikatastÿsete thn calasm◊nh antl∂a me m∂a el∂kwsh M8 £llh eniscum◊nh.
  • Página 26: General Information

    Varian before operating the equipment. Varian will not be held responsible for any events occurring due to non-compliance, even partial, with these instructions, im- proper use by untrained persons, non-authorized interference with the equipment or any action contrary to that provided for by specific national standards.
  • Página 27 The following ta- ble shows, for each flange and fixing device, the necessary The Turbo-V300HT series pump does not require any mainte- number of clamps or claws and the relevant fixing torque.
  • Página 28: Technical Information

    The turbine rotor is supported by permanently lu- DESCRIPTION OF THE TURBOPUMP bricated high precision ceramic ball bearings in- The Turbo-V300HT pump is available in four ver- stalled on the forevacuum side of the pump. sions which differ only in their inlet flange.
  • Página 29: Technical Specification

    TECHNICAL INFORMATION TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION The following figure shows the Turbo-V300HT outline drawing. The dimensions are in inches [mm]. Pumping speed With CFF 8” or With CFF 6” or ISO Operating ambient + 5° C to + 35° C ISO 160:...
  • Página 30 TECHNICAL INFORMATION Graph of nitrogen pumping speed vs inlet pressure Graph of compression ratio vs foreline pressure Graph of nitrogen throughput vs inlet pressure using the recommended mechanical forevacuum pump 87-900-875-01(C)
  • Página 31: Inlet Screen Installation

    TECHNICAL INFORMATION The screen can be mounted on each pump model INLET SCREEN INSTALLATION and is supplied with a small tab for easy removal (see figure). The inlet screens mod. 969-9302 and 969-9303 prevents the blades of the pump from being dam- aged by debris greater than 0.7 mm diameter.
  • Página 32: Heater Band Installation

    TECHNICAL INFORMATION HEATER BAND INSTALLATION WATER COOLING KIT INSTALLATION Two types of water cooling kits are available to be mounted when the pump is used under heavy load conditions or when air cooling is insufficient. The two model part numbers are: 969-9337 (metal- lic model), and 969-9347 (plastic model).
  • Página 33 TECHNICAL INFORMATION The metallic model is assembled as shown in the NOTE figure. These hoses must be held on the respective noz- zles using hose clips to avoid that the tube(s) gets loose or disconnected during operation. The plastic model must be screwed into the suit- able holes of the pump.
  • Página 34: Air Cooling Kit Installation

    TECHNICAL INFORMATION GAS PURGE VALVE INSTALLATION AIR COOLING KIT INSTALLATION A gas purge valve is available to protect the pump bearings against particulate and corrosive gases that could move into the pump. To install the gas purge valve it is necessary to un- screw the purge port cover as shown in the follow- ing figure, A fan kit model 969-9314 is available for air cooling...
  • Página 35: Vent Valve Installation

    TECHNICAL INFORMATION Screw the vent valve into the pump inserting the VENT VALVE INSTALLATION supplied adapter between the valve and the pump. The vent valve mod. 969-9833 allows to avoid un- desired venting of the pump during a temporary power failure (5 sec maximum), and enables an automatic vent operation.
  • Página 36: Vent Device Installation

    − model 969-9333 for CFF 8” flange. They typically reduce the vibration transmitted from The vent device mod. 969-9831 allows to avoid the Turbo-V300HT pump to the system by a factor undesired venting of the pump during a temporary of 20.
  • Página 37: Typical Layout Diagram

    TECHNICAL INFORMATION TYPICAL LAYOUT DIAGRAM Connection A - HIGH VACUUM FLANGE To connect the Turbo-V300HT pump to the ISO inlet flange, remove the outer ring and position the centering ring as shown in the figure. Turbo-V controller Then fix the two flanges with the clamps or claws as shown in the figure.
  • Página 38: Connection Configurations

    Connection C - ELECTRICAL A flange KF 25 NW is available to connect the Turbo-V300HT to the fore-vacuum pump. A hose or vacuum approved pipe can be used. If a rigid pipe is used, any vibration generated by the me- chanical pump must be eliminated through the use of bellows.
  • Página 39: Pump Used With Corrosive Gases

    ! ! ! ! CAUTION 1. Purge gas line 2. Pressure regulator To prevent bearing damage, Varian suggests a 3. Gas purge valve minimum purge gas flow rate of 10 sccm (0.17 4. Gas purge port mbar l/s). This value can be exceeded, according 5.
  • Página 40: Pump Used In Presence Of Magnetic Fields

    949-9412 As a matter of fact, in case of high magnetic fields, also important forces might be generated and ap- For a complete overview of Varian's extensive plied to the rotor. product lines, please refer to the Varian catalog. 87-900-875-01(C)

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