* Precautions:
01. "Resume
can only be used offline or with mobile APP
02. After turning on resume engraving function, the motor will be
locked, do not forcefully move the laser module by hand
03. Make sure keep the engraving machine and the object to be engraved
without displacement after the power is off, otherwise it will cause the
engraving to deviate;
04. When parsing files during resume engraving, be careful not to plug
or unplug the HDMI cable, otherwise you need to restart
the machine to achieve the function.
05. Make sure that "Auto-home startup" is turned off, otherwise it will
affect the normal use of the resume engraving function
How to use "Resume Engraving" function:
01. Select the engraving file.
02. Using the touch screen controller to move the laser to the
location where the engraving is required
03. Click"Set as bottom left",Set the current position as the initial position
04. Click"Start", the machine will automatically start engraving after
the analysis of the file
Touch sound
Turn on/off touch sound
Auxiliary positioning
* Precautions:
01. Do not disassemble the laser module after calibration, otherwise
recalibration is required;
02. When LightBurn exports the .gc file, you need to select the
current position - set the lower left corner as the starting point to
accurately position
03. After turning on, the red cross laser position represents the focus
position of the laser.
How to calibrate
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