Preparing for Vacation
For long vacations or absences, remove ti)od and unplug tile
reti'igerator. Move tile ti'esh t()od control to tile OFFposifion, and
clean tile interior with a baking soda sohltion of one tablespoon
(15 ml) of baking soda to one quart (1 L) ot water. Leave tile
doors open.
Move the i_ernaker tbeler arm to STOP (up) position and shut
oil tile water supply to tile ret_'igerator.
If the tenlperamre
can drop below fl'eezing, have a qualified
servicer drain the water supply system to prevent serious property
damage due to t]ooding.
Preparing to Move
Se/alre all loose itenls sudl as grille, shelves and drawers by taping
them securel} in place to prevent damage.
Besuretherefrigerator s tagsin anupright p ositionduringmoving.