ng Guide
Save time and money! Review the charts on the following
pages first and you may not need to call for service.
1.Problem:My Dryer Won't
power outle|
• Is the fiase blown, or is lhe circuil
Check your home's
or laundry r(×)m's fuse box/circuit
breaker box m_d replace
breaker tripped?
the fu_ or reset the circuit breaker.
2.Problem:My Dryer D_sn 't Heat
3.Problem:There are Greasy Spots on, My Clothes
, Did you follow tl'm instrtiction s On
yoiir tabric SOftener pr0duet?
and tbllow _be insm_ctions provided
wi!h your fabric sof_e!!er product.
• Are you drying clean and di_y
Make sm_ |o use your dryer |o dry only clean ilems, because dirty items can
clothes togefl_er?
soil cleml clo|hes placed in |he same load or hater phced
in the dryer drum.