Trademark & Legal Statement
Ninebot is a registered trademark of Ninebot (Beijing) Tech. Co., Ltd; Segway and Rider Designs are the registered
trademarks of Segway Inc; Bluetooth and design are the trademark of BLUETOOTH SIG, INC.; Android, Google Play are
trademarks. of Google Inc. The respective owners reserve the rights of their trademarks/copyrights referred to in this
We have attempted to include descriptions and instructions for all the functions of the Ninebot S 2 at the time of printing.
However, your Ninebot S 2 may differ slightly from the one shown in this document.
Please note that there are multiple Ninebot models with different functions, and some of the functions mentioned herein
may not be applicable to your unit.
The manufacturer reserves the right to change the design and functionality of the Ninebot S 2 product and documentation
without prior notice.
© 2022 Ninebot (Beijing) Tech Co., Ltd. All rights reserved