About the shelves and bins.
Not all features are on all models.
Refrigerator bin
Freezer bin
Freezer tilt-out bin
Refrigerator Door Bins and Freezer Door Tilt-Out Bins
Thesnuggerhelps prevent tip[ring, spilling
or sliding of Slnall items stored on tile door
The larger refiigerator
door bins and
fieezer tilt-out door bins are adjustable,
shelf. Pla(e a finger on eiflmr side of tile
snugger near tile rear and move it back
Toremove: I,ifi tim fiont of the bin straight
and forth to fit your needs.
up, then lift up and out.
Toreplaceor relocate:Engage the back side
of the bin in the inolded supports of the
door. Then push down on the fiont of the
bin. Bin will lock in place.
Toremove: I,ifi tile fiont of tile bin straight
up then out.
Toreplace:Position the bin above the
rooMed supports on the door.
Then slide the bin down onto the support
to lock it in place.
Press tab and pull shelf
forward to remove
Slide-Out Spillproof Shelf
The slide-out spillproof sh elf allows y{)u to
reach items stored behind others. The
spedal edges are designed to help prevent
spills flom &ipping to lower shelves.
Slide the shelf out until it reaches the stop,
then press d()_11 on the tab and slide the
shelf suaight out.
Toreplace or relocate:
I,ine the sheffup with the supports and slide
it into place. The shelf can be reposifioned
when the door is at 90 ° or more. To
reposition the shelf, slide the shelf past the
stops and angle do_l_wm(l. Slide shelf down
to the desired position, line up with the
supports and slide imo place.
Makesure youpush theshelvesaft the way back
in beforeyoudose the door