Now place the corner strip with suffi cient tension on the narrow side of the
frame (Fig. 12) and fi x the vertical side of the projection screen fabric to the
aluminium frame with the Velcro strips. Repeat the step on the opposite side
and stretch the projection screen surface as tightly as possible. (Fig. 13).
Depending on the weather, the fabric can be hard to correctly tension. In cold
weather, it is advisable to store the fabric in a warm room for 24 hours before
installation, so that it becomes more fl exible and can be securely mounted. The
fabrics are cut precisely by laser and fi t exactly on the frame.
The fabric is correctly fi xed on the frame when the 4 corners lie exactly as
shown in fi gs. 12 and 13, the fl ap is folded neatly over and the short side of the
fabric covers it.
The fabric must be corrected in the Velcro area until it is absolutely fl at over
the entire surface. To do this, the fabric must be pulled around the frame slight-
ly until it is done in such a way that there are no more creases on the surface.
If the fabric is correctly tensioned, the Velcro area of the fabric covers exactly
the Velcro area on the frame, or the surface is completely fl at and the corners
of the fabric lie exactly on the corners of the frame.
Fig. 12
Fig. 13