byko-spectra standard
6 Maintenance
Disconnect the power cord before cleaning or relamping the byko-spectra!
The viewing area of the byko-spectra should be kept clean and free of samples, notices,
etc. To clean the neutral gray surface, use a soft, damp cloth with a mild soap or deter-
gent. For stubborn marks or stains, use a non-abrasive "soft-scrub" type of cleaner. DO
NOT use organic solvents on the surface.
When to relamp the byko-spectra?
In order to maintain proper color quality and light intensity, the lamps should be replaced
when the time expires for each individual lamp. Each lamp's use is tracked by the Color-
Guard which does asll the timing and warns you of the lamps need for replacement. D65,
CWF, and TL84 sources are to be replaced at 2500 hours, Inc is to be replaced at 1750 hours
and UV is to be replaced at 500 hours. To order replacement lamps for your viewing sys-
tem, refer to the product label on the rear of the unit (located near power cord) for a re-
lamp kit code.
Relamping Procedure
Rotate the lamp one-quarter turn and remove them from their lamp holders. Clean the re-
flector surfaces and install the new lamps, rotating them one-quarter turn to lock them in
place. After relamping, and when the unit is turned on, select the "relamped" source and
depress and hold the rest switch located beneath the hole next to the switch board (as
shown by the arrow) until the unit beeps three (3) times. This is best accomplished with the
use of a straightened paper clip. The timer is now reset back to "0". Repeat operation for
each "relamped" source.
BYK-Gardner GmbH
184 020 846 EDFS 2402