Coffee portion programming
It is possible to change the volumetric quantity of the coffee portions as follows:
1. With the machine in ON mode, press key 5 of group 1 (leftmost group) and keep it pressed for 5
seconds. Key 5 starts to blink and the display shows the following message:
2. Within 30 seconds, press the key you want to program, choosing between the 4 keys that correspond
to portions (keys 1-4), for exemple key 1. Pressing the key, drink production starts. Key 5 remains lit
during the programming phase.
3. When the desired amount of coffee has been produced, press any of the keys 1-4 on the active group
in order to stop the production. The LED of the programmed key turns off, while all other keys light
In order to program the remaining keys, repeat steps 2-3 (just in case the time of 30 seconds wasn't
been exceeded).
In case the programming TIME-OUT is activated (after 30 seconds), repeat the3 steps above
In case a portion can't be saved, check
If the flowmeter is correctly connected
If the flowmeter is attributed correctly to the group
If the water supply is working correctly
Programming of hot water portion
It is possible to program two diferente hot water portions. For the first portion, press the hot water
key once, for the second portion, press it twice.
In order to program the first hot water portion as follows:
1. Press key 5 of the desired group with the machine in ON-mode, and keep it pressed for 5 seconds.
The key starts to blink and the display shows:
Espresso Coffee MachineCompass MB by fiamma
(Translated from original language) ENGLISH