Memory Overclocking Support
You can enable overclocking support for systems with a compatible CPU (contact your distributor/supplier for details)
and memory (note that your system must have 2 DIMMs installed to support memory overclocking). This can be
done in the BIOS or by using the Control Center utility (make sure you have installed the Control Center AP).
You can access the CPU Memory Overclocking utility from the Control Center or taskbar notification area.
Overclocking Issues
If you get any system errors, e.g. a
black screen, to reset the com-
puter press and hold the power
button to force the system to
shutdown. To restart press and
hold the power button while
holding down the Fn + D keys.
This will change the overclocking
settings back to the disabled
Note overclocking the system may
cause hardware damage and is
enabled at the user's own risk,
and is not covered in the warran-
ty terms.
Figure 15 - Access the Memory Overclocking Utility