The smartwatch automatically registers the steps taken, the burned calories and the distance
travelled. To view this information, access the smartwatch main menu and tap on the icon
with blue, green and red semicircles.
This data will also appear in the Co-Fit app status section. You can also attach this function
to the quick access menu.
4.3 Heart rate meter
The Core smartwatch monitors your heart rate automatically. Enable this function from
within the Co-Fit app device section and choose the monitorization interval (every 30
minutes, every hour, etc.).
You will also be able to measure your heart rate immediately. To make use of this tool, access
the smartwatch main menu and tap on the red heart icon. After a few seconds, the number
of heart beats per minute will be displayed.
This data will be displayed in the Co-Fit status section. You can also attach this function to
the quick access menu.
4.4 Blood pressure meter
The smartwatch allows you to measure your blood pressure instantly. To do so, access the
smartwatch main menu and tap on the stethoscope icon.
Once inside, tap on the play icon and stand still. After a few seconds, your blood pressure
data will be displayed.
This data will be displayed in the Co-Fit status section.
4.5 Blood oxygen saturation meter
The Core smartwatch allows you to measure your blood oxygen saturation levels instantly. To
make use of this tool, access the smartwatch main menu and tap on the red blood icon.
Once inside, stand still and, after a few seconds, the blood oxygen saturation values will be
This data will be displayed in the Co-Fit status section. You can also attach this function to
the quick access menu.
4.6 Stress meter
The smartwatch features a stress meter. To make use of this tool, access the smartwatch
main menu and tap on the blue icon showing a person and a heart.
Once inside, stand still and, after a minute, your stress data will be displayed.
This data will be displayed in the Co-Fit status section. You can also attach this function to
the quick access menu.
4.7 Sleep monitor
The Core smartwatch functions while you sleep and provides statistics on the time and
quality of your sleep. This tool's available information is more detailed in the Co-Fit app than
in the smartwatch:
In the smartwatch: To consult the time you have slept, access the main menu and tap on
the purple moon icon. Once inside, your time slept will be displayed, as well as the time
that you have been in deep sleep, light sleep and awake.
In the app: Your sleep data will also be displayed in the Co-Fit app status section. Here,
you will be able to see the time that you have slept, as well as the time that you have been
in deep sleep, light sleep and awake. You will also be able to view a weekly and monthly
sleeping record with all your sleep data.