If the snowthrowerwillnot be usedfor30 daysor longer,or if it is the end of the snowseasonwhenthe last possibilityof snowis gone,the
equipmentneedsto be storedproperly.Followstorageinstructionsbelowto ensuretop performance from the snowthrowerfor manymoreyears.
Forenginesstoredover30 days:
1. Topreventgum from formingin fuel systemor on essentialcarbure-
tor parts:
a. If fueltank containsoxygenatedor rdormulatedgasoline
(gasolineblendedwithan alcoholor ether), run engineuntilit stops
from lack of fuel.
Alcoholblendedfuels (calledgasoholor usingethanolor methanol)
canattract moisturewhich leadsto separationand formationof acids
duringstorage.Acidicgas can damagethefuel systemof an engine
_wh e n storage.
b. If fueltank containsgasoline,eitherrun engineuntilit stopsfrom
lack of fuel or add a gasolineadditiveto the gas in the tank. If you
usea gas additive,run the enginefor severalminutesto circulate
Neverstoresnow throwerwith fuel in tank indoorsor in poorlyventi-
latedareas,wherefuel fumesmay reachan openflame,spark or pilol
lightas on a furnace,water heater,clothesdryer or gas appliance.
Whiletheengine is still warm,changethe oil.
Removethe sparkplug and pourabout 1/2 ounceof engine oil
throughthe sparkplug hole into the cylinder.Replacesparkplug
and crankthe engineseveraltimesto distributethe oil.
Whenstoringthe snowthrowerin an unventilatedor metal stor-
age shed,careshouldbe taken to rustprooftheequipment.Using
a light oil or silicone,coat theequipment,especiallyanychains,
springs,bearingsand cables.
Removeall dirt fromexteriorof engineand equipment.
Storeequipmentin a clean,dry area.
Neveruseengineor carburetorcleaningproductsin the fueltank or
permanent d amagemayoccur.