_ MENU in viewing mode
[] (Date List)
Selects the playback date list.
(Event List)
Selecls rite event group 1o be played back.
[:a"l(Select Folder)
Selects the folder for viewing images.
_1__ /View Mode)
Switches the View Modes.
([-,_ Dale View/_
Event View/Q_
Folder View)
=_O_(Filter by*Faces)
Play's back images filtered to meet cellain conditions.
(=:9, O_lVAO. All p eople/t,O. Child,en/_O. h,l_,,,ts/
_C_ Smiles)
Play's back images in succession
along with effi_cls and music.
Qp (Add / Remove
Adds images to Favorites or removes images from Favorites.
(Q3 This hnage/%
Multiple hnages/Q 0)_NON
Add All in Dale Ra,,ge*/
Q_0FFRemove All in Date Range*)
* The displayed text dilf_rs according
to each View Mode.
Retouches still images.
Red Eye Correc(ion/_
Unshar 1 ....... king/
Soil P ....... _
Partial Color_
Visheye Lens_
C ...... Filter/
Radial Blur/_
Happy F ...... )
Paints on a still image and saves as a new image.
Changes Ihe image size according
to usage.
HDTV/_iRR_I_ Blog/E-mail)