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Style selections SWF881053 Manual De Instrucciones página 9


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M a nu facturer
w arran ts th is pro du ct to be fre e fro m de fects in m aterials and craftsm anship. T his
warranty is extended to the original consumer purchaser for a period of 1 year from the original
da te o f purchase. O nly th e d a te on th e o rig in a l pu rchase receipt shall be used to determ ine the
w a rra nty period; n o p ro duct reg istra tio n is re qu ire d. D uring the w arranty period M a n u facturer shall,
at its discretion, re pair or re pla ce any com ponent that p roves to be de fective in either m aterial or
cra ftsm anship under no rm a l use and w ith proper care.
E xclusions fro m this w a rra nty includ e, bu t are n o t lim ited to, norm al w ear and tear; detachable
p arts; any dam age cau sed by accide n t, failu re to fo llow in structions provided at the tim e of
p urch ase or as set out in the in structio n m anu a l, p ackag in g or other m aterials provided to the
purchase r, negligence , im p rop e r or abu sive use , acts of nature; d a m ag e after the product has been
a ltere d or m o dified ; or any other d am a ge n ot a rising from defects in m aterials or craftsm anship.
M a n u facturer lia bility for an y de fe cts in the pro d uct sh all be lim ited to the repair and replacem ent of
the defective pa rt only.
U p o n discovering an y de fect in m a terials o r cra ftsm an ship during the w arranty period the
purchaser may call customer service at 1-877-888-8225, 8 a.m. - 8 p.m., EST, Monday - Friday.
T h is eq uipm en t has bee n tested and fo un d to co m p ly w ith th e lim its for a C lass B digital
de vice , pu rsu a nt to part 1 5 of the F C C R ules. T he se lim its are designed to provide
re aso n a b le pro tection against ha rm fu l in te rfe re nce in a residential installation. T his
eq u ipm e n t g en era tes, use s, a nd can rad ia te ra dio freq u en cy e n ergy and, if not installed
an d used in accord an ce w ith the instru ction s, m ay ca use harm ful interference to radio
com m u n ication s. H ow ever, there is no g uara n te e th a t inte rference w ill not occur in a
pa rticu lar installation. If th is equipm e nt do e s ca u se h arm ful interference to radio or
te levisio n re cep tion , w hich can be dete rm ine d b y tu rn in g the e quipm ent off and on, the
user is en cou raged to try to correct th e in terfe ren ce by o ne or m ore of the follow ing
m e a sures:
-R eorie n t o r relocate the receiving antenna.
-In cre a se th e sepa ration b etw een the eq uip m e nt and the receiver.
-C on n e ct th e eq uip m ent into an ou tle t on a circu it diffe re n t fro m that to w hich the receiver
is co nn e cted.
-C onsult th e d ealer or a n expe rie nced ra dio /T V technician for help.



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