Before use, please read the user manual of this product to ensure full
understanding and correct use. After reading, keep the user manual
properly for future reference. If you do not operate this product correctly,
you could cause serious injury to yourself or others, or result in damage
to the product and property. Once you use this product, you are deemed
to have understood, recognized and accepted all terms and content of
this document. Users undertake to be responsible for their own actions
and all consequences arising therefrom. We are not responsible for all
losses caused by the user's failure to use the product in accordance with
the User Manual.
In compliance with the law, the company has the final right to inter-
pret this document and all related documents of the product. If it is updat-
ed, revised or terminated without prior notice, please visit the our official
website for the latest product information.
Shenzhen Qichang Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.
Room 510, 5th Floor, Building 7, Yunli Smart Park, Bantian Street, Longgang District,
Shenzhen,GD CN
Technical service email: