8 Colposcope Instructions for Use
The following briefly describes using the Colposcope with a patient. It is recommended that you practice using the
Colposcope to familiarize yourself with all of the features it has to offer.
A. With patient in lithotomy position, your Colposcope should be placed so that the head of the scope is 300mm
from the area you wish to view, with the post to as near vertical as possible. Rotate the Gross Height Adjustment
and Locking Knob to loosen it and move the inner post up or down. Tighten the knob to lock the inner post in
In a sitting position, place your feet on the rubber pad part of the base.
Place your eyes against the eyepiece.
make sure that you set your correct diopter reading. Place your right hand on
Adjust for pupillary distance and
the Fine Height Adjustment Handle and your left hand on the Fine Focus Handle. Note: Do not try to focus
with Fine Focus Adjustment at this point.
C. With your right hand on the Fine Height Adjustment Handle, slowly push or pull the Colposcope, until
the field comes into view.
Angled optics for ease of use.