Remote Troubleshoo�ng
Remove protec�ve ba�ery plas�c from remote. If remote remains
unresponsive, open ba�ery compartment and reposi�on ba�ery.
Check the remote's IR sensor.
NOTE: Camera phones or digital cameras with infrared filtering
cannot be used to check sensor func�onality. Some smart phones
use infrared filtering. Try using the front-facing camera if you find
your phone uses infrared filtering.
To see these lights, perform the following:
a. Point the camera at the remote sensor so that it is displayed
in the LCD of the camera.
b. Adjust the camera angle and posi�on un�l you can see pulses
of lights in the LCD display when pressing the remote's bu�ons.
• If the lights are visible, the remote is working.
• If the lights are not visible, the remote will need replacing.
Contact for a quick assistance.
European Union - Disposal Informa�on
The symbol shown as follow, applied to the product or on its packing,
at the end of life, the product must not be thrown away, or disposed
into domes�c waste!
Limited Warranty
NICREW products carry a 12-month limited warranty from the date
of purchase.
If your product is within warranty and you require a replacement
part or service, please contact us at
For more informa�on, please visit