Hterr i@HS
OccasiondJy there may be power interruptions due to thunderstorms or
other causes_ Remove the power cord from AC outJetwhen a power
outage occurs_ When power has been restored, repJug power cord to
AC oufleL Hfoutage is for a proJonged period, inspect and discard
spoiJed or thawed food in freezen CJean freezer before reusing.
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M@vi g C r÷
For Jong vacations or absences, empty food from freezer, move the
temperature DHALto the OFF position and dean the door gaskets
according to _GeneraJ cJeaning _ section_ Prop doors open, so air can
circuJate inside_ When moving always move the freezer
verticaJJy.Do not move with the unit Jying down. PossibJedamage to the
sealed system couJd occun