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Zodiac DZR-1900CI Plus Manual De Empleo página 34


Idiomas disponibles

Idiomas disponibles

4.7 Common Interface
A .Insert CA Module(s) and Smart card(s) To receive pay-TV channels you need a CA Module and a smart card
from the service provider (program distributor) of your preference. If you are subscribing to service from more
than one service provider, you need to change between different smart cards, or even between CA
Modules.Since a smart card is connected to a single service provider, a limited range of channels will be
available. without the CA Module and the smart card, you can watch only 'Free-to-Air' programs.
B. Receiving Scrambled Channels (see fig. page I - 27) With a DVB COMMON INTERFACE compatible
CAM(Conditional Access Module) and a Smart card, you can receive relevant scrambled channels and/or
encrypted channels. Viaccess, Conax, Cryptoworks, Nagravision, Irdeto and Mediaguard encryption platforms
are compatible with DVB CI.
Insert a CAM into one slot of your receiver.
The message of 'CAM Initializing' will appear on the screen.
After the massage 'CAM Initializing' has disappeared, you can select the channel you want.
Menu Map
Sea rch C han nel
E dit
S etup
T o ols
Antenna Se tting
Manual Se arch
Automa tic Search
E d it Chann e l
E d it Sa tellite
E d it T ransp onder
La ngua ge Se tt ing
O SD Se tting
O utp ut Settin g
T ime Setting
Lock Control
UH F Control
Informa tion
Signal L evel
F actory Se tting
G ame
S atelli te
L NB T ype
D iSE qC P ort
M otor Se tting
2 2KH z
0 /12 Volt Swit ch
L NB Power
Satell it e
F requency
Symbol R ate
Polari z at ion
Netw ork Search
FT A Only
Search Start
Satellit e
Search Start
Add S ymbol R ate
Menu L anguage
Audio L anguage
In fobar Hi de-Out
B ackgroun d
S ound E ffect
O SD T rans parency
L oa d Defa ult
Vide o O utput
Audio O utput
Scree n Mode
C onversions
D olby Sound
T V T ype
C urre nt time
Wake up tim er
Wake up tim e
Sleep timer
Sleep time
Age L ock
Age L i mit
Men u Lo ck
C u rre nt P assword
Ne w P asswo rd
C o nfirm P assword
UH F Cha nnel
■ UH F Co ntro l
P AL Stan dard
E u rop ea n S ta nd ar d
E - 11
P o sition
N udge Mo de
N udge Siz e
N udge Mo tor
D rive C ontinuously
Store Present Sate llite Position
G o to Refe rence P o sition
R e calculate P ositio n
Li mit Setting
F r eq/Symb ol/Polar
Limit Setting
D rive C ontinuo usly
Set W est L imit
Set E a st L imit
G o to R eference P osition

