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This activity book contains a description of how to use River Stones. You will have access to our online compendium of 160 videos containing ideas for specific training activities that boost children’s sensory integration.
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Y cuánto placer nos da donde GONGE imaginar qué diferencia a largo plazo esto va a hacer para los niños. Selvom GONGE er funderet på en vifte af dybdegående neurologiske, sansemotoriske og pædagogiske principper, er fordelene ved at anvende vore produkter basale og ofte ubevidste oplevelser.
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M O M E N T O U S L I T T L E M O M E N T S ® Although GONGE is founded on a whole spectrum of profound neuro-pedagogical, sensory-motorial and educational principles, the benefits of using our products are experienced simply and often subconsciously.
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A River Stone is triangular, each side has a different gradient and there is a small horizontal plateau at the top. A small child soon learns to pay attention to the position of his/her feet as he/she ascends the River Stones. An older child will seek a challenge and attempt to hold his/her balance with a foot placed at an oblique angle on a River Stone.
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PHYSICAL COGNITIVE SOCIAL EMOTIONAL Each side of the triangular stones vary in steepness and difficulty and the layout can be changed to make a pathway more or less challenging. A C T I V I T Y C O M P E N D I U M...
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Avec des bords en escalier et une petite plateforme au sommet, le jeune enfant se rendra facilement compte de là où il pose son pied en suivant un parcours de River Stones. L’enfant un peu plus grand pourra travailler son équilibre en posant son pied de biais sur une River Stone.
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Opbygningen med de 3 forskellige skrånende kanter, og et lille plant plateau på toppen, gør at det lille barn hurtigt vil blive opmærksom på hvor det sætter fødderne, når de træder op på River Stones. Det større barn vil lade sig udfordre og prøve om balancen kan holdes, når foden står skråt på...
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IDEAS PARA EL JUEGO Instrucción: 1) Haga una ruta de River Stones usando diferentes colores y tamaños. 2) Cuente al niño a qué color debe saltar. 3) Trate de tener los pies apuntando hacia adelante, saltando en todas las direcciones (adelante, atrás y lateralmente).
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Escanea y mira el video Scan og se videoen IDEAS FOR PLAY - INSTRUCTION Make a course of River Stones using different colours and sizes IDEAS Tell the child which colour to jump onto Try to keep feet facing forward, jumping in all directions (forwards, backwards...
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GONGE Activity Compendium regroupe un ensemble de 160 courtes vidéos d’activité en libre accès sur www.learning.gonge.com. Nous sommes arrivés à la conclusion que les vidéos sont le meilleur moyen de trans- mettre notre passion d’aider les enfants à mener une activité physique. Vous pouvez donner vie à la version papier du recueil en scannant les QR codes contenant des liens vers les vidéos du site.
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160 free that you can do with children using our products. activity videos Gonge Activity Compendium contains a library of over 160 short activity videos which are freely accessible on www.learning.gonge.com. We have found video recordings the best way to convey our passion for helping children to be physically active.
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Fähigkeit sowie eine Präsentation eines GONGE-Produkts, mit der sich diese Fähigkeit trainieren lässt. Der theoretischen Einführung folgt ein Fall, der veranschaulicht, wie der Physiotherapeut daran gearbeitet hat, diese Fähigkeit mit einem Kind in einem Praxisumfeld zu trainieren. Sehen Sie sich alle früheren Ausgaben von GONGE Insights an oder abonnieren Sie zukünftige Ausgaben.
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The theoretical introduction is followed by a case illustrating how the physiotherapist has worked on training this ability with a child in a clinical setting. See all previous issues of Gonge Insights, or subscribe for future issues here: www.gonge.com/insights Access...