Signal format
Based on PAL color signal
standard (YS-SX509P)
Based on CCIR B/W signal
standard (YS-SX409CE)
Camera signal input synchronization
Camera input connectors (IN)
VS/VBS, 1.0 Vp-p/75 Ω, BNC
connector × 9
Camera output connectors (OUT)
Throughput of each input,
1.0 Vp-p/75 Ω, BNC connector
× 9
VCR input connector (VCR IN)
Composite input
VS/VBS, 1.0 Vp-p/75 Ω, BNC
connector × 1
VCR output connector (VCR OUT)
Composite output
VS/VBS, 1.0 Vp-p/75 Ω, BNC
connector × 1
Monitor output connector (MONITOR OUT)
VS/VBS, 1.0 Vp-p/75 Ω, BNC
connector × 1
Camera live picture or VCR
playback picture signal output:
full screen, sequential display,
Multi-display screen
Control terminal (CONTROL)
• Alarm input
No voltage, make-contact switch
input × 9 (Low input)
• Sensor alarm output
Alarm output × 9 (low output,
normally open (NO))
• Remote input (R1, R2)
2-wire type with resistance-based
identification system
• Alarm output (A)
DC 5 V, 5.7 kΩ (Low output)
• Switching input (S)
Low input, for input signal from
SW OUT of timelapse VCR/real
time recorder (as per this
manufacturer specifications)
• RS-485 control terminal
RJ-11 type: 2 terminals (A/B)
Push-lock type: 3 terminals (A, B,
• RS-232C terminal: 9-pin D-SUB
Other specifications
Full screen sequence timing
Available in full screen mode, with
interval selectable from 1 – 30
Monitor on-screen display
Title (up to 10 characters), date,
time selectable
Menu settings
10 menus: Language, Clock, VCR,
Alarm, Active REC, Monitor,
Camera, Position, Display, Alarm
Alarm sensor
Internal, 9 channel (each camera
input, selectable)
Back-up function Back-up for up to 15 days of the
clock settings after connected for
30 hours continuously
• Freeze
Available for camera live or VCR
playback in full screen and
zoomed in picture
• 2 × zoom
Available for camera live or VCR
playback in full screen and still
Power requirement
AC 100/120/230/240 V, 50/60 Hz
Current consumption
320 mA (100 V)
310 mA (120 V)
170 mA (230 V)
170 mA (240 V)