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Goobay 1287 Instrucciones De Uso página 3


Power Bank Compact 5,000 mAh
Batterie Externe Compacte 5.000 mAh
• Do not modify product and accessories.
• Do not short-circuit the battery or immerse it in liquids.
There is a danger of: Explosion, fire, heat, smoke and/or gas.
Do not operate a device if it is not in working order. In such ca-
ses, it must be secured against unintentional further use.
• Use product, product parts and accessories only in perfect
• In case of questions, defects, mechanical damage, trouble
and other problems, non-recoverable by the documentation,
contact your dealer or producer.
The batteries (rechargeable) are not replaceable.
Batteries may be damaged and leak if not used for the inten-
ded purpose.
• Leave leaked, deformed or corroded batteries inside the pro-
duct and dispose it by appropriate protectives.
• Avoid stresses such as heat and cold, moisture and direct
sunlight, microwaves, vibrations and mechanical pressure.
Extreme heat can lead to explosion and/or leakage of corrosive
liquid. Mechanical damage can cause gaseous substances to es-
cape, which can be highly irritating, flammable or toxic.
• Do not operate in an explosive environment.
Not meant for children. The product is not a toy!
• Secure packaging, small parts and insulation against acci-
dental use.
• Place, install and transport product, product parts and acces-
sories in a safe way.
2 Description and function
2.1 Product
The product is a mobile auxiliary battery with charging status in-
dicators and is used for charging and operating mobile devices.
2.2 Scope of delivery
Power Bank Compact 5,000 mAh, Charging cable, User
2.3 Operating Elements
See Fig. 1.
1 USB-A plug
2 USB-C™ plug
3 Function button
4 LED status indicator
3 Intended use
This product is intended exclusively for private use and
its intended purpose. This product is not intended for
commercial use. We do not permit using the device in
other ways like described in chapter „Description and
Function" or in the „Safety Instructions". Use the product only in
dry interior rooms. Not attending to these regulations and safety
instructions might cause fatal accidents, injuries, and damages to
persons and property.
4 Preparation
1. Check the scope of delivery for completeness and integrity.
2. Compare the specifications of product, power supply and pe-
ripherals. These must be identical.
5 Connection and operation
5.1 Switching on
• Press the function button 1x to switch the power bank on.
If the power bank is switched on and no devices for charging or
a voltage source is connected, the power bank switches off af-
ter approx. 40 seconds.
5.2 Charging the power bank
The power bank is delivered partially charged. Charge it fully be-
fore using it for the first time.
1. Connect the USB-C™ or Micro USB socket of the power
bank to a USB power source via a charging cable.
This can be either a 230 V USB charging adapter, a 12/24 V car
USB charger or the USB socket of a PC. A charging cable for
charging via the USB-C™ socket is included in the scope of de-
livery. The power bank is fully charged when all four lights of the
LED status indicator are permanently lit. One LED represents
25 % charge level.
2. Disconnect all cable connections after charging.
5.3 Charging a device
1. Connect your device to one of the USB-A sockets.
The power bank will automatically start charging your device.
The charging status of the powerbank is displayed via the LED
status indicator.
2. If the charging process does not start automatically, briefly
press the function button once.
If the battery voltage drops below 3.0 V, the LED status indica-
tor flashes. In this case, the power bank must be recharged.
It should be avoided to leave the powerbank in a completely di-
Subject to change without notice. |
Sous réserve de modifications.
5 Micro USB socket
6 USB-A socket
7 USB-C™ socket
scharged state for a longer period of time because this can da-
mage the battery.
6 Maintenance, Care, Storage and
• Only use a dry and soft cloth for cleaning.
• Do not use detergents or chemicals.
• Charge the batteries every three months to ensure they main-
tain capacity when not in use for an extended period of time.
• Store the product out the reach of children and in a dry and
dust-protected ambience when not in use.
• Store cool and dry.
• Keep and use the original packaging for transport.
7 Disposal instructions
7.1 Product
"According to the European WEEE directive, electrical
and electronic equipment must not be disposed with
consumers waste. Its components must be recycled or
disposed apart from each other. Otherwise contaminati-
ve and hazardous substances can damage the health
and pollute the environment. As a consumer, you are committed
by law to dispose electrical and electronic devices to the produ-
cer, the dealer, or public collecting points at the end of the devi-
ces lifetime for free. Particulars are regulated in national right.
The symbol on the product, in the user manual, or at the packa-
ging alludes to these terms. With this kind of waste separation,
application, and waste disposal of used devices you achieve an
important share to environmental protection.
WEEE No: 82898622"
7.2 Batterie
Rechargeable batteries must not be disposed of with
household waste. Their components have to be supplied
separately to the recycling or disposal, because toxic
and dangerous ingredients can harm the environment if
not disposed of sustainably. As a consumer, you are obliged to
return them at the end of their service lives to the manufacturer,
the sales outlet or established for this purpose, public collection
points for free. Details regulates the respective country's law. The
symbol on the product, the instruction manual and / or the packa-
ging draws attention to those provisions. With this kind of materi-
al separation, recovery and disposal of waste (rechargeable) bat-
teries you make an important contribution to protecting our
environment. D-34000-1998-0099
1 Consignes de sécurité
Le mode d'emploi fait partie intégrante du produit et comprend
d'importantes informations pour une bonne installation et une
bonne utilisation.
• Lisez le mode d'emploi attentivement et complètement avant
de l'utiliser.
Le mode d'emploi doit être disponible à des incertitudes et trans-
fert du produit.
• Conservez soigneusement ce mode d'emploi.
• Ne pas ouvrir le boîtier.
• Ne modifiez pas le produit et les accessoires.
• Ne provoquez aucun court-circuit avec la pile et ne la plon-
gez dans aucun liquide.
Il existe un risque d'explosion, d'incendie, de dégagement de
chaleur, de fumée ou de gaz.
Un appareil défectueux ne doit pas être mis en service. Il doit au
contraire être protégé contre toute utilisation involontaire.
• Utilisez le produit, pièces et accessoires des produits unique-
ment en parfait état.
• En cas de questions, les défauts, les dommages mécani-
ques, des ingérences et d'autres problèmes, non récupéra-
bles par la documentation, contactez votre revendeur ou le
Les batteries/accus ne sont pas remplaçables.
En cas d'utilisation non conforme, les piles peuvent être endom-
magées et couler.
• Donner des batteries qui ont coulé, déformés ou corrodés
à l'intérieur du produit et de disposer par protecteurs ap-
• Éviter des conditions extrêmes, telles que la chaleur extrême
et froid, l'humidité et de la lumière directe du soleil, ainsi que
microondes, des vibrations et de la pression mécanique.
La chaleur extrême peut provoquer une explosion et/ou l'écoule-
ment de liquides corrosifs. Les dommages mécaniques peuvent
entraîner l'émission de substances gazeuses susceptibles d'être
très irritantes, inflammables ou toxiques.
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Pillmannstraße 12 | 38112 Braunschweig | Germany
Material damage
Goobay® by Wentronic GmbH

