General Knowledge Of Ecg - Gema Cardio-C Manual De Uso

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Idiomas disponibles

Idiomas disponibles

appendix 3

GEnEral knoWlEdGE oF ECG

Normal sinus rhythm:
In sinus conditions, SA node paces
the heart with the regularly rate
and the normal rhythm. The heart
rate is in the range of 60 to 100
times per minute and the rhythm
is regular. P wave is normal
and each one is followed by a
QRS wave. P-R interval: 0.12~0.20s;
QRS wave: 0.06~0.10s; No ectopic ECG activity.
symptom: Sinus rhythm, heart rate: 60~100bpm
indication: Normal
several abnormal ECG waveforms
• tachycardia: The heartbeat
becomes faster. Tachycardia
is determined by the rhythm of the
heart, the average rhythm beats
faster than 100 times a minute
is considered as Tachycardia.
The result description "Suspected
fast beat" in this device may be
doubted as Tachycardia.
symptom: heart rate>100bpm
indication: It may occur with the normal people
who have these physiology conditions: rage, fatigue, smoking, drinking too
much wine, excessive coffee and strong tea, etc.
Pathology: anemia, Hyperthyroidism, blood hypoxia, myocarditis,
hypokalemia, fever, influence of some medication (such as atropine,
epinephrine etc.).
suggestion: If it belongs to pathology condition, please go to hospital.
• bradycardia: The heartbeat
becomes more slowly.
It is determined by the rhythm
of the heart, the average rhythm
is less than 60 beats per minute
is considered as Bradycardia.
The result description "Suspected
slow beat" in this device may
be doubted as Bradycardia.
Figure 1
Normal ECG Waveform
Figure 2
Tachycardia Waveform
Figure 3
Bradycardia Waveform


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