Set as authorised/Set as unauthorised: Allows to
set the authorised connection between each blue-
tooth devices.
All services: Allows to view all services which are
supported by bluetooth device.
Delete: Allows to delete the bluetooth device.
Delete all: Allows to delete all bluetooth devices.
You can register new device which is compatible
with bluetooth. If you already have added the
device, you can search it after entering a password.
Set bluetooth: You can activate or cancel
bluetooth function.
• My phone
s visibility
your phone is shown on the other bluetooth
• My phone
s name
bluetooth device. The default name is LG F3000.
Menu 3.3.3
: You can set the function that
: You can set the name of
This contains the standard functions such as +, –, x, ÷ :
Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division.
1. Input the numbers by pressing numeric keys.
2. Use a navigation key to select a sign for calculation.
3. Then input the numbers.
4. Press the left soft key < [Result] to view the result.
5. Press the left soft key < [Reset] or enter numbers to
repeat the procedure above.
6. To end Calculator, press the right soft key > [Back].
Use C key to erase any numbers or signs.
If you press key #, you can input a minus
number. In addition, press key *, you can
input a decimal number.
Menu 3.4