5.1 Transport and Distance to placement
To transport the device in pallet the width of the door (to pass with the pallet) must be at least 920 mm.
The distances of the device to adjacent elements must be like in the draw. It recommended leaving at
least 120 mm from the wall for reparation If there are sources of heater or fuel elements the distance
must be as least 500 mm, from that objects.
For maintenance it recommended leaving at least 500 mm.
100 mm
Minimo 500 mm
a. Instalación eléctrica
5.2 Electric Installation
The electric installation must be done whit an authorized technician, and compiling all the
normative. Ascertain that the electric red connection is match whit the technical feature of the devices.
Is recommended to use an electric red whit its own circuit breaker whit proper gauge, also the
shucko connection must be fitted whit the proper red condition.
5.3 Water Supply Installation
Use anti-lime system before to connect the water pipes to the device, is recommended. The water
connection is ¾ ".
Important: The incoming water must have a pressure between 1 and 3 bars with a temperature not
exceeding 30 ° C. If the pressure is higher than these values must install a pressure reducer at the
920 mm
100 mm
120 mm
120 mm
100 mm
Minimo 500 mm
120 mm
100 mm