Briefly press key
it for some seconds to finish configuration.
Then, program the furnace as indicated in section
The furnace allows to see the temperature in grades Cel-
sius or Fahrenheit. In order to choose one mode or the
other, proceed as follows:
Briefly press the key
some seconds. Pilot
Briefly press the key
Briefly press the key
Briefly press the key
Briefly press the key
Use the keys
to select, on the upper display:
"YES" for ºF.
"NO" for ºC.
Briefly press key
it for some seconds to finish configuration.
In order to program a heating sequence into the furnace
hearth and then save it as one of the 4 memories which
can be stored, proceed as follows:
Briefly press key
Simoultaneously keep pressing keys
step 1 will light.
Use keys
to select the time (minutes) to reach
the first set temperatura (C1). If you are working in
mode º/m, select the heating speed (from 1 to 15
Briefly press key
Use keys
to select the set temperatura C1 that
you want to reach in step 1.
Briefly press key
Use keys
to select the time (minutes) you want
to keep temperature C1.
Briefly press key
Proceed as previously to program steps 2 and 3.
If, by any reason, you want to omit one of the steps, you
must simply select the value "- - -" for the time. This
means that program will finish in this step.
The electronic controls of the Concept furnaces allow
you to store up to 5 different dosages for each type of
material. To store a program, proceed as follows:
First of all, select the program you want to store, as
explained in previous sections.
to confirm. Then, keep pressing
. Thenk keep pressing it for
will blink.
. Pilot
will blink.
. Pilot
will blink.
. Pilot
will blink.
. Pilot
will blink.
to confirm. Then, keep pressing
. Pilot for
to confirm.
to confirm.
to confirm. Pilot for step 2 will
Once you have selected the values you want to store,
select the program (P1, P2, P3, P4 or Pr) in which
you want to store the dosage by pressing the P key as
many times as required.
Finally, keep the P key pressed for a few seconds. The
display will flicker once to indicate that the values
have been stored in the memory.
Memory Pr is reserved for the direct heating program
(look at the next section).
If you want to save a program with delayed start, follow
previous sections in this order:
a) Delayed start.
b) Programming.
c) Storing programs in memory.
A direct heating program has only one heating time,
only one set temperature and only one keeping time.
Everytime you turn the furnace on, the direct heating
program will be loaded by default. This situation is indi-
cated by pilot
In order to modify the values of this direct heating pro-
gram, simply program a cycle with only one rise and
save it in memory Pr (look at previous section). These
new values will be loaded everytime you turn the fur-
nace on. If, by error, you try to save a program with sev-
eral rises in memory Pr, nothing will be saved.
To use a program stored in the memory, press the P
key as many times as required to select the program
you want (P1, P2, P3, P4 or Pr).
Press the key
to display the values stored.
Press the START/STOP
If you want to use a stored program but including a de-
layed start, proceed as following:
a) Press the P key as many times as required to se-
lect the program you want (P1, P2, P3, P4 or Pr).
b) Press the START/STOP
c) Keep pressing the START/STOP
the furnace. This way, the program data will keep
in memory.
d) Now, follow steps of the section "Delayed
e) Press the START/STOP
Place the SiO
plate on the hearth, taking care not to
damage the muffle.
key to start.
key to start.
key to stop
key to start.