Removable bottom rack inserts
Your dishwasher is shipped with 2 removable bottom rack
inserts. (See illustration.) The double and single removable
rack inserts allow you to adjust the rack for the type of
laod you are washing. This is useful when washing a
variety of dishes, pots and pans, or roasters.
Double rack rear insert
The double rack rear insert allows you to wash a number
of large plates, platters, and trays.
The fold-down tines option on this insert gives you
flexibility to adjust your loading options for smaller plates
and bowls to larger platters.
Single rack front insert
The single rack front insert allows you to wash a number
or medium-sized plates and bowls.
To remove double and single rack inserts
1. Pull handle out ot the right and lift up to release.
2. Lift insert out of rack.
A. Double rack rear insert
B. Single rack front insert