3520/3530: Snap elution cap (with plugs) onto the top of the primary body (Fig. 5). Separate the primary body and secondary body sections.
Snap the bottom cup (no plugs) into the bottom of the primary section (Fig. 6). Snap elution cap on the secondary body. Monitor is now ready
for shipment.
NOTE: The primary and secondary sections should have the same identification numbers.
7. Return monitor and short plastic straw to can and close with plastic lid provided.
8. 3500, 3520 or 3551: Monitors do not include prepaid analysis; therefore, DO NOT RETURN TO 3M FOR ANALYSIS. Please see www.aiha.org for a list of
AIHA® accredited laboratories. A detailed analysis procedure is available from 3M.
3510, 3530 or 3550: Send monitor plus completed analysis request form to:
EMSL Analytical, Inc.
3410 Winnetka Ave N
Suite 107
Minneapolis, MN 55427
NOTE: Certain compounds (e.g. acetone, methyl ethyl ketone, vinyl acetate, etc.) may show a decreased recovery when sampled in high relative
humidity. Refrigerate and/or expedite for analysis to help ensure accurate results.
Important Notice
WARRANTY: In the event any 3M Personal Safety Division (PSD) product is found to be defective in material, workmanship, or not in conformance
with any express warranty for a specific purpose, 3M's only obligation and your exclusive remedy shall be to repair, replace, or refund the purchase
price of such parts or products upon timely notification thereof and substantiation that the product has been stored, maintained and used in
accordance with 3M's written instructions.
EXCLUSIONS TO WARRANTY: This warranty is exclusive and is in lieu of any implied warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular
purpose or other warranty of quality, except of title and against patent infringement.
LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: Except as provided above, 3M shall not be liable or responsible for any loss or damage, whether direct, indirect, incidental,
special or consequential, arising out of the sale, use or misuse of 3M PSD products, or the user's inability to use such products. The remedies set forth
herein are exclusive.
Fig. 4
Fig. 5
Fig. 6