23.4.1 General information about the mode
The pushing support facilitates the pushing of the e-bike.
In the "Pushing support" mode your e-bike can reach a speed of up to
3.73 mph (6 km/h) depending on the gear selected.
You can slow down the speed of the e-bike to your walking speed by holding
or restraining the e-bike.
The pushing support is automatically disabled if:
• You release the lower button,
• the wheels on the e-bike are locked,
• the e-bike reaches a speed of more than 3.73 mph (6 km/h).
23.4.2 Switching the "Pushing support" mode on and off
1. Use the remote to set the support level to "none".
2. Press and hold the lower button on
the Remote b to activate the pushing
After 2 seconds the pushing support
is activated and sets the e-bike in
motion as long as you keep the
button pressed.
3. Guide the e-bike with both hands and,
if necessary, brake the speed of the e-bike to your own walking speed
by holding or restraining the e-bike while pushing.
4. Switch off the pushing support by releasing the lower button.
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