Either the RS‐232 or USB interface can be used at one time. To avoid confusion
when sending commands do not use both interfaces at the same time. See
parameters 6.3 Setting The Printing Parameters / Accumulation section for full
information on settings
The standard Interface parameters are:
RS‐232 output of weighing data
ASCII code
4800 Baud
8 data bits
No Parity
Connection details are:
RS‐232 Connector: 9 pin d‐subminiature socket
Pin 3 Output
Pin 2 Input
Pin 5 Signal Ground
USB Connection is using a standard USB connector. Software for using the USB
interface with a PC is available from the Adam Equipment web site.
Data Format for normal weighing operations, parts counting or recalling of totals
from memory will all be different. All lines end with a carriage return and a line
feed, (0dH and 0aH in ASCII).
Format 1 Output:
The lines will include a heading for each line then the value. A typical output when weighing is
shown below. 3 lines of data are printed followed by 2 blank lines.
G R O S S _ _ _ 1 2 3 . 4 5 _ g _ <cr> <lf>
N o . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 0 1 <cr> <lf>
T o t a l _ _ _ 1 2 3 . 4 5 _ g _ <cr> <lf>
<cr> <lf>
<cr> <lf>
© Adam Equipment Company 2018
Generally a Null modem cable is
required for connection to a
computer or printers.
19 ASCII Characters, GROSS for Gross Weight, NET for Net Weight
16 ASCII Characters, Increments every time a weight is stored in memory
19 Characters, The total weight stored in memory
Includes 2 blank lines