Position: 11 to 30, which means that there is a storage for up to 20 numbers.
Number: number or prefix to block.
Ex.1: ***99*222222#0811*99811234#.
The phone number 99811234 will be blocked.
Ex.2: ***99*222222#0812*012#.
The phone numbers that initiate with the prefix 012 will be blocked.
Obs.: to unblock a number, press 11111 at the position of the number.
Ex. 1: ***99*222222#0812*11111#
The numbers initiated with the prefix 012 will be unblocked.
Incoming call block
This function is used to block incoming calls on the ITC 4000.
On the setting mode, press: 0 + 5 + 1 + 1 + * + HAB + #.
0: enables incoming calls.
1: block incoming calls.
Example: ***99*222222#0511*0#.
The incoming calls are now enabled at the ITC 4000.
Standard setting: incoming calls are enabled.
Adding a prefix
Any dialed number can be preceded by a prefix of up to 16 digits, and with
this function it is possible to limit the local calls, or connect the ITC 4000 to an
alarm system, or to any other device that may need the insertion of a prefix.
The prefix will be inserted every time the ITC 4000 identifies the number
dialed as one of the preset numbers in its memory.
Enabling a prefix
This function is used to enable the insertion of the dialed prefixes numbers.
On the setting mode, press: 0 + 4 + 2 + 1 + * + HAB + #.