Adapter AVA-100
Water Won't Shut Off
1. Timer setting incorrect.
2. Piston seals defective– if valve won't turn off electrically or manually,
replace the piston assembly (PRK-100).
3. Valve clogged– remove adapter to check.
4. Check solenoid to ensure fully tight (turn clockwise finger tight). Check
solenoid for debris by removıng from assembly. Agitate vigorously in a mild
solution of vinegar and water. Reassemble solenoid to body using finger
tight pressure.
5. Solenoid (black knob) not fully closed.
Water Won't Turn On
1. Water off at meter or master control valve.
2. Timer setting incorrect.
3. Flow control gray ring not open.
4. Bad wiring connection between timer and valve.
5. Solenoid defective. If valve can be turned on manually but not electrically,
replace with Solenoid Kit (SRK-1).
6. Valve clogged– remove adapter and solenoid to check.