■ To-do list
To save a note for a task that you have to do, select a priority level for the note, and
mark it as done when you have completed it. Notes can be sorted by priority or by date.
To-do notes
1. Select Menu > Organizer > To-do list.
2. If no note is added, select Add note; otherwise, select Options > Add.
3. Write the note, select the priority, set the deadline and the alarm type
for the note, and select Save.
4. To view a note, scroll to it and select View.
■ Notes
Use Notes to write and send notes to compatible devices by using SMS or MMS.
1. Select Menu > Organizer > Notes.
2. To make a note if one is not added, select Add note; otherwise, select
Options > Make a note.
3. Write the note and select Save.
4. To view a note, scroll to it and select View.
■ Calculator
The calculator in your phone provides basic arithmetic and trigonometric functions;
calculates the square, the square root, and the inverse of a number; and converts
currency values.
Note: This calculator has limited accuracy and is designed for
simple calculations.
O r g a n i z e r