The pressure can be influenced by 3 main factors:
1. Altitude. Pressure decreases with altitude. In similar meteorological conditions, if
pressure is 1013 hPa at the sea level, it will be only 977 hPa at 300m or 794 hPa
at 2,000 m.
2. Meteorological conditions. Atmospheric pressure changes according to the weather.
During nice weather, pressure at the sea level can reach 1050 hPa and if the
weather gets bad, it can go down to 980 hPa.
3. The wind. The wind can exert a pressure on objects that it
hits. With a 100 km/h wind blowing, this additional pressure
may vary from +/- 10 hPa, depending the position of the
instrument. However, for windspeed bellow 30 km/h, this
influence is insignificant.
Pressure measurement can be selected by pushing the mode
button. Pressure in hPa is then displayed at the bottom of
the LCD.
Historical Pressure Record :
The instrument automatically records the pressure of the past 3, 6, 9 and 12 hours.
The historical pressure record can be selected by pushing the mode button. Pressure
in hPa is then displayed at the bottom of the LDC.
The pressure from 3 hours ago is represented by the segment number 3. Pressure from
6, 9 and 12 hours ago are represented respectively by segments 6, 9 and 12.
Altitude :
Altitude is calculated according to barometric pressure. This is why a difference of pres-
sure will influence the indicated altitude. It is necessary to calibrate your instrument
before using this function (for instance before mountain climbing or ballooning).
Altitude can be selected by pushing the mode button. Altitude is then displayed in meters
at the bottom of the LCD.
Historical pressure record with segments 3, 6, 9 and 12
Current pressure
on the left bargraph