At the bottom of the lever, on both sides of the microscopes, there is a couple of screws that
can centre the field diaphragm.
Set the numerical aperture
Adjust the aperture of the iris diaphragm to set the numerical aperture of the epilluminator,
thus controlling image contrast and resolution. If you want to close the diaphragm, pull down
the lever:
At the bottom of the lever, on both sides of the microscopes, there is a couple of screws that can
centre the aperture diaphragm.
Polarization analysis
Slightly pull outwards the polarizer filter (marked "S-PO") to insert it into the optical path. Turn
the rotating disc of the analyzer filter: if the two filters are correctly inserted, you should find a
position of the analyzer where no light is transmitted ("crossed polarizers" position).
Darkfield vision
After you focus the sample with the proper objective, slowly push the darkfield lever toward
the inside. Stop pushing as soon as you see a shadow covering your sample. In this man-
ner you should obtain an oblique illumination that greatly enhances the reliefs and superficial
defects of your sample.
Aperture diaphragm
Aperture diaphragm
centering screw
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