Opening your life
2) Product Descrip�on and Applica�ons
2.1 Applica�ons
Dogo 1224 is applied for residen�al automa�on of sliding gates. Dogo 1224 has to be operated with electricity and it's forbi-
dden to be operated by back-up ba�eries for normal use. Back-up ba�eries (op�onal) are only allowed for emergent opera-
�on when there is a power failure, and the gearmotor can be released by the key to move the gate manually.
2.2 Descrip�on of the Automa�on
The following diagram of Dogo 1224 typical installa�on describes some terms live in whereever you are and whenever you
are and accessories of a gate automa�on system:
2.3 Descrip�on of Devices
Dogo 1224 may include the accessories shown in Figure 2.
Please check the accessories the same as the package provided.
A�en�on: Some accessories of Dogo 1224 are not included due to local regula�ons or customized order.
A) 1 Dogo 1224 electromechanically gearmoto
including control unit
B) 2 release keys
C) 1 pair of PH-2 photocells
D) 2 PR-1 radio transmi�ers
E) 1 PF- flashing light
F) 1 PKS-1 key selector with two keys
G) 1 PPB-1 push bu�on
H) 2 limit switch brackets
I) Various small parts: screws, nuts, etc. (see table1)
J) 4 PRK-1 Rack
K) Green Box
Table 1: List of small parts for Dogo 1224