4. If prompted during the installation to install the Windows XP Hotfix,
you can choose whether or not to install this fix.
5. To continue without installing the Hotfix, at the prompt, click OK. Then
click Finish to complete the installation.
To install the Windows XP Hotfix, follow the steps below.
1. When the prompt appears, leave the installation manager open, then
open your computer's web browser. Type the URL mbb.vzw.com in the
browser's address line then press the Enter key.
2. When the welcome page appears, select one of the following:
• Install Enhanced App (recommended)
• Use Basic Web App (No intsallation required)
3. Select a connection type, click Continue > Close.
4. And move to next page, click Connect.
5. Minimize your web browser, and return to the installation manager.
Now click Download Link in the prompt and install the Windows XP
Or visit support page: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/959765.
6. Follow the onscreen instructions. When complete, click OK on the
prompt. Then click Finish to complete the installation.
You should connect to the Internet for downloading the Windows
14 Installing USB Modem