________________________________________________________________________ SMART CHARGER
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Front view of the battery charger
1. RS 232 port: For the serial connection with a Personal Computer (for instance
updating of charge profiles etc).
2. LCD Display: displays the tool working phases and prompts the operator on the
procedures to be followed.
3. Start button: to start the charge functions after selection of the type of battery
and preparation of the correct connections.
4. Stop button: to stop the selected function at any moment to take the tool back to
the initial conditions.
5. Enter button: Button to confirm selection.
6. Cursor shift buttons: To shift selection of functions in the following directions:
down and up.
7. Cursor shift buttons: To shift selection of functions in the following directions:
right and left.
8. I/0 switch: To plug (I) or unplug (0) power supply to the battery charger.
9. Connecting tongs: For the battery connection with correct polarity, the red one
to the positive (+) and the black one to the negative (-).
Only buttons related to the function are automatically activated by the tool.
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Rear view of the battery charger
10. Temperature probe connector: to connect the PT100 temperature probe
(option) to the battery charger.
11. Power cord: to plug the battery charger to the 230 V power supply.