C O N T E N T S S O M M A I R E S U M A R I O This Key Operator’s Manual contains instructions about: Ce Manuel de Fonctionnement contient des instructions pour : Este Guía del Operador Principal contiene instrucciones para : The Fastback ®...
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® Modèle 11 et qui ne seraient pas expressé- podrían invalidar el derecho del usuario a operar esta máquina. ment approuvés par Powis Parker Inc. pourraient avoir comme con- séquence pour l’utilisateur: la perte du droit d’utilisation de cette machine.
Binderstrip ™ Storage Casier a Reliures Almacenaje de Encuadernación by Powis Parker Inc. could void the user’s authority to operate this machine. ’ M O D E L 1 1 K E Y O P E R A T O R...
J U E G O D E A C C E S O R I O S A C C E S S O I R E S Su Fastback ® Modelo 11 y su Juego de Accesorios se Votre Fastback Modèle 11 et ses accessoires sont ®...
A C C E S S O R Y K I T Your Fastback ® Model 11 and its Accessory Pack are shipped in a single box. ® Your Fastback Model 11 Accessory Pack includes: Accessory Kit, including: And: User’s Manual Plastic Book Fence Key Operator’s Manual Cooling Rack...
I I I I N S T A L A R M Á Q U I N A I I I I N S T A L L A T I O N M A C H I N E Remueva las dos espumas en el medio de las Enlevez les deux blocs de mousse d’entre les Abrazaderas del Libro.
I I I I N S T A L L I N G T H E M A C H I N E Remove the two foam blocks from between the Book Clamps.The Book Clamps can be easily opened with finger pressure. Check to see that the Power Switch is “Off ”...
R E M O V I N G A J A M M E D B I N D E R S T R I P ™ Internal parts can be extremely hot! Do not attempt to open W A R N I N G the machine unless you are a trained Key Operator or qualified service technician.
L I M P I E Z A D E L I N T E R I O R N E T T O Y A G E L ’ I N T È R I E U R M Á Q U I N A M A C H I N E Piezas interiores pueden ser extrema- L’intérieur de la machine peut être...
C L E A N I N G T H E I N S I D E O F T H E M A C H I N E Internal parts can be extremely hot! Do not attempt to open : The working parts of W A R N I N G I M P O R T A N T...
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Para alcanzar el lado bajo de la platina calenta- Pour atteindre la partie inférieure de la plaque dora, coja suavemente la polea situada al lado chauffante, attraper doucement la manette placée del gran engranaje negro y ruedela, en el sentido à...
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Press the blue metal book rest back into its original position, until it clicks and locks into place. Close the machine by pressing down on both sides of the cover until the latch clicks and locks in position. Cleaning the Backup Bars Turn the Power Switch to “Off ”, unplug the machine, and follow steps 1 –...
P O S I C I O N A R E X T R E M I D A D R É G L A G E P O S I T I O N E N C U A D E R N A C I Ó N F I N A L E R E L I U R E La alineación de la encuadernación sobre el lomo de...
S E T T I N G T H E B I N D E R S T R I P ™ E N D P O S I T I O N The alignment of the Binderstrip ™ on the spine of a Fastbound ™...
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V I I D I A G N O S T I C S Les modes de fonctionnement de votre Fastback Modèle 11 sont indiqués ® sur la machine, par la lumière de l’Indicateur de Fonctionnement (Power Indicator) et trois Indicateurs Lumineux d’Etat (Status Indicator Lights). Conditions Indicateur de Indicateur...
V I I D I A G N O S T I C S ® Operating conditions of your Fastback Model 11 are indicated by the Power Indicator Light and three Status Indicator Lights on the machine. Normal Power Left Status Middle Status Right Status Conditions Indicator...
VIII W H E N T O C A L L F O R S E R V I C E T E C H N I C A L S U P P O R T If a problem persists after you have read this manual and have followed the troubleshooting procedures outlined above, please call your authorized ®...
V I I T A B L A D I A G N Ó S T I C O S Las condiciones de operación de su Fastback ® modelo 11 son indicadas por el Indicador Luminoso de Puesta en Marcha y tres Indicadores Luminosos del Estado en la máquina.