Step 4:
Unroll the bottom two bands and secure
the bottommost band to the outside of
the legging to a firm and comfortable
compression level.
The bottom most band can be identified
by the care label.
Step 5: While holding the second band,
detach the next band. Secure the second
band and continue this process with the
other bands, going up the leg.
Ensure that the bands are placed in an
alternating order.
Step 6: The legging should now lay flat
and wrinkle-free against the leg.
Adjust each band to a firm and
comfortable compression.
See section "Using the Built-In-Pressure
System" for instructions on using the
BPS card to set the compression to a
prescribed level.
Step 7: Once all the bands are secured,
inspect the garment for any gaps or
creases. Adjust the bands as necessary.
You may now fold the bottom and top
parts of the circaid undersleeve or sock
over the top and bottom edge of the
legging if desired.
Step 8 (optional): Finish applying foot
compression. At this time, finish
applying your foot compression as
directed in the separate instructions.
The ankle band will overlap with the
lower portion of the juxtafit legging.
Step 9 (optional): Apply shelf straps, if
included with your custom compression
system. Use the shelf strap to provide
additional support or coverage to areas
in need, pulling up and around the area
on the limb until firm and comfortable
compression is achieved.
Step 10 (optional): Apply knee cover, if
your compression system covers the
knee. Place the knee cover over the knee
cap and pull the individual tabs at each
corner to firm and comfortable
compression. Secure the tabs to the
legging once the knee cover is securely
against the knee.
If using a circaid cover up, apply it at this
time. Slide the cover up over the legging
and secure it using the hook tabs along
the top edge. Refer to the instructions
for use included with the cover up for
additional information.
Doffing instructions
To remove the legging, first remove the
cover up, if using. Then remove the knee
cover, shelf straps, and/or foot
compression, if using any of these. Then
unfold the circaid undersleeve.
Detach all bands of the legging starting
with the top band. Fold each band onto
itself to keep the hook and loop tabs
Remove the legging and then remove
the circaid undersleeve or sock.
Using the Built-In-Pressure System
Step 1: Locate the Built-In-Pressure card
in your packaging.
Step 2: Identify your prescribed pressure
scale using the color-coded system.
Step 3: Starting with the bottom band,
line up the black triangle on the card
with one of the BPS lines on the bottom
Step 4: Note where the second BPS line
lines up with the card´s compression
ranges (A).