To Select the PT-2300/2310 as the Printer:
1 Turn on the PT-2300/2310.
2 Pull down the Apple menu and select
"Chooser" to display the Chooser window.
3 In the list on the left, click the PT-2300/
2310 icon. Then, select the appropriate
printer from the list on the right.
4 Close the Chooser window to confirm
your settings.
Reading the User's Guide
The P-touch Editor User's Guide can be viewed either by inserting the CD-ROM into the drive
each time you wish to refer to it or by installing it onto your hard disk so that it is quickly avail-
able at any time. Since the User's Guide is an HTML document, a browser is needed to read it.
• From the CD-ROM:
Double-click "Main.htm" in the User's Guide folder within the P-touch Editor Ver 3.1
folder on the CD-ROM.
• With the Start button:
Double-click "Main.htm" in the User's Guide folder within the P-touch Editor Ver 3.1
folder installed on the hard disk.
To Delete P-touch Editor Version 3.1 and the Printer Driver:
When deleting the printer driver, be sure that the P-touch is turned off and unplugged.
1 Drag the P-touch Editor Ver 3.1 folder to the Trash icon.
2 In the System Folder, open the Extensions folder.
3 Drag the PT-2300/2310 icon and the USB PT-2300/2310 Extension icon to the Trash icon.
4 In the System Folder, open the Preferences folder.
5 Drag the PT-2300/2310 Prefs icon to the Trash icon.