The station is fitted with a support for a pack of 5000-ticket fanfold thermal paper.
When finished, the paper is very easily replaced thanks to the practical layout in-
side the station.
1 - Remove the finished paper pack
2 - Remove the printer, disconnecting the relevant cables (supply, serial and
photocell cables)
3 - Open the printer by pressing the 2 side tabs
4 - Close the printer and replace it on the appropriate bracket inside the station.
Fix it with the previously removed pawl and reconnect the cables in the correct
5 - Insert the new paper pack into the support.
6 - Insert the first ticket into the printer back slot
28 - Espas30 I
Remove all paper
using oil-free com-
pressed air.
Check that the blue le-
ver on the side of the
printer is pulled towards
the outside (it is used to
raise or lower the print
head: the print head is
raised when the lever
is pressed and the pa-
per cannot be pulled).