one another. Some examples of mistaken/
erroneous use can be seen in
illustrations 14, 15 and 16
Climate for use:
The ongoing temperature tolerance of the
product (dry) is from about -10°C to +40°C.
Product life:
Unusual circumstances can reduce lhe life of
a product to zero, e.g. contact with chemicals,
extreme temperatures, saline or acidic
atmosphere, sharp edged items, inordinately
heavy burden. The life of a product is largely
dependent on the type and frequency of usage,
as well as on external influences. Maximum life
in optimum storage conditions and without use
is unlimited. The actual life of a product ends
when one of the following criteria is met. When
that is the case, the product must be weeded
out from the assortment (see „Removal from
use"); this depends on a number of factors,
e.g. intensity of use, frequency of use, external
conditions when used, competence of use,
storage condiions, care and maintenance, etc.
Removal from use:
In the following cases, the equipment should
immediately be removed from active use:
- the equipment fails to pass the check-test
(either before each usage, during use and in
regularly conducted test examinations)
- following a big fall (if the tool has been
subjected to heavy burdens)
- the history of its use is unknown or
- in case of damages, deformation or abrasion.
WARNING: All carabiners, particularly those
with Hard Coat coating can form sharp
edges once the surface has been worn
through. Danger of rope breakage!
- it has come into contact with chemicals or
- you have doubts about the reliability of the
- the product is too old (or legal requirements
have changed, norms and technical standards
have been altered, new rules are introduced,
incompatibility with other products is
determined, etc.)
Dispose and destroy the divergent, removed
parts immediately in order to prevent any
further use by others.
Alterations and Repairs:
If original parts of the product are altered
or removed, the effectiveness of the safety
features can be reduced. The equipment
must not be in any way altered or fitted out
with additional parts which is not expressly
recommended by the manufacturer.
Storage, Transport and Maintenance:
Store your equipment in a dry state in a dry
place protected from daylight at normal
environmental temperatures (-10° to +30°C)
without any mechanical squeeze-grips,
pressure-grips or weighing down. Store the
equipment away from chemicals and not in
acidic or saline atmosphere. This can change
the material characteristics without it ever
becoming visible externally. Avoid ongoing
vibrations. Use the protective bag or special
storage and transport containers with non-
metallic bottoms (to prevent contact corrosion).
Clean dirty products in lukewarm water (if
necessary using neutral soap). Rinse them well.
Let dry at room temperature, never place in an
electric dryer or near electric radiators. Use