User manUal
Please read the instructions carefully before using this
skin stapler!
The single use skin stapler is designed for rapid closure
of skin wounds. The new design and secure application
enables a fast application of the staples. Minimal
histological reaction, good wound apposition and healing,
minimal scarring and painless removal are advantages
when using the skin stapler. Our disposable skin stapler
reduces operating time and helps minimise infection.
1. main strUCtUre
1) The skin stapler consists of the body, handle,
stapler box, trigger and spring. It contains 35 staples.
2) The staples are made of surgical stainless steel.
The body, trigger and staple box are made of plastic.
The spring is made of stainless steel.
2. mode oF oPeration
Compressing the trigger mechanism dispenses one staple,
which penetrates the skin and is then shaped so that the
wound is closed securely.
3. teChniCal data
1) No more than 55 N of force should be used for
compressing the trigger.
2) The metal components are made of non-corrosive
3) The skin stapler is sterilised with ethylene oxide.
4. aPPliCatiVe area
The skin stapler is used for closing surgical skin incisions.
5. how - to - Use
1) Appose wound margins ensuring there is no skin
2) Position the stapler perpendicular to the longitudinal
axis of the incision, so that the arrow is in line with
the incision. Apply the skin stapler with gentle
pressure onto the skin.
Caution: Do not press the stapler tightly to the
incision. It will make removing the staples diffi cult!
3) Activate the trigger mechanism. After hearing an
audible "click" release the trigger mechanism. Repeat
the process as required.
6. imPortant notiCe
1) For veterinary use only.
2) The skin stapler may only be operated by skilled
3) Avoid accidental contamination of the stapler with
debris once it has been removed from the sterile
packaging. The stapler should not be used if the
packaging has been damaged.
4) The product is indicated for single, sterile use.
Dispose of the stapler according to your clinical
waste protocols.
5) The skin stapler should not be used if the distance
between incision and the histiocyte is less than 5 mm.
6) If the epidermis is too thick it is recommend to appose
the underlying hypodermis layer prior to closing the
7) The suitable distance between two staples should be
5 to 10 mm. Please use a suitable staple remover to
remove the staples after 7 to 10 days (duration: please
follow veterinary advice).
7. storaGe and transPort
The product should be kept in a well ventilated room with
relative humidity ≤ 80% and free of erosive gases.
It should not be stored under other products and must be
handled with care.