Fig. 4-5 Monitor interface
6) Exit
Choose "Exit" option to exit menu.
4.3 Alarm Operation
Alarm includes the alarm of measure data's going beyond the limits, the alarm
of low-voltage, the alarm of finger's out of position,the alarm of probe's out
of position. Alarm PRI: the alarm of low-voltage > the alarm of finger's out
of position = the alarm of measure data's going beyond the limits = the alarm
of probe's out of position.
Alarm function:
The alarm of low-voltage: When there is alarm of low-voltage, the battery mark
will flicker; when the voltage is so low that the device can't work in gear, the
device will turn off automatically after displaying "Low Power".
The alarm of finger's out of position: when there is sound-alarm of finger's
out of position, the screen will show "Finger Out".
The alarm of probe's out of position: when there is sound-alarm of probe's
out of position, the screen will show "Probe Out".
If the sound alarm occurs, and the screen shows none of the three, it means
the measure data's going beyond the limits.
Alarm control:
When alarm is on,or during the period of alarming, you can pause it by moving
the wheel key to the right, moving the wheel key to the right again, alarm
If you use the shortcut key to make alarm pause, the alarm will be resumed in
about 60 seconds automatically. If you move the upper wheel key to the right
again in 60s, it can renew alarm as well (under test condition).
If you want to close alarm for a long time, you must enter the menu and set the
alarm state "off".