5. Push the LATCH Connectors Out Through the Desired Belt Path
Openings on Each Side of Car Seat
Forward-Facing: Make sure the LATCH
strap is routed behind the harness strap,
is flat, and is not twisted.
3. Pull LATCH Connectors Out of the
Belt Path Openings into the Center
of the Car Seat
4. Slide Entire LATCH Strap Along
the Red Bar to the Desired Belt
Path Openings
Rear-Facing: Slide LATCH strap down to
the blue label at the bottom of the red bar.
Forward-Facing: Slide the LATCH strap
up to the orange label at the top of the red
Rear-Facing: Make sure the LATCH strap
is in front of the buckle strap, is flat, and is
not twisted.